US researchers find climate change similarities on Mars.- 20 July 2008  
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US researchers find climate change similarities on Mars.

 In a trip to Alaska, USA with his colleague Jeffrey Trop to better understand the region’s geological features, Professor Craig Kochel noticed landscape patterns called fans, which he recalled as nearly matching those he had seen while working on previous Mars Viking missions for NASA. In seeking an explanation for how the Alaskan fans were formed, Professors Kochel and Trop discovered that they were left behind by the many ice avalanches being caused by global warming in the region. After presenting their findings to NASA, the scientists were able to further confirm their hypothesis of parallel changes on the other planet when the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter sent back pictures of an active ice avalanche taking place on its surface.

Our sincere appreciation, Professors Kochel and Trop, for illuminating these connections between our world and Mars. We pray the world will act quickly to preserve this planetary jewel and Earthly home. 

Date: August 4, 1999
Place: New York
No. 664 (1 hr 19 min)

Supreme Master Ching Hai had revealed the mysteries about our own planet's environmental link to Mars in a lecture titled, “The Law of Karma,” delivered on August 4, 1999 in New York, USA:

We can not stop all these people to cut down trees and amass riches for themselves at the cost of ourselves and our children. They produce the waste cutting down enormous trees which is the life saver of this planet, yeah. If we keep cutting like this our planet might become like Mars very soon. It's all dust and gas and toxins.(Air pollution) And pollution. Then we might not be able to live. What do you think Mars has been? Maybe Mars was like us before until we finished it.

We do the best we can, and hoping the world will learn, huh? And spread out whatever information you can to whomever you know.

VOICE: During another occasion, on October 25, 2007, in a videoconference with Formosa (Taiwanese) media for her book release of the #1 best selling book, “The Dogs in My Life,” Supreme Master Ching Hai was asked by Ms. Chen Yalin, program producer of Sanlih Entertainment Television, chief editor, and news anchor, the following question regarding the planet Mars and global warming.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Formosa (Taiwan) press - October 25, 2007

Chen:So you can also see the extraterrestrials? 

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Yes, some, just to say “hallo”.

Chen:  From my understanding,  their body is  different than ours, right? 

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Yes. Some are different, some are very beautiful, some are not so beautiful. Some are kinder than us,  some are less kind than us.

Chen: Less kind than us, so they also  need to practice more?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Yes, yes. The extraterrestials  do not necessarily  practice better than us. Not necessarily so. It depends on  where he comes from,  and whether he has  a good teacher or not,  the spiritual teacher.

Chen: Mars.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Mars, they are quite kind,  not like what  we think of them as such bad-tempered people. No.

the past,  Mars was just like our Earth.

Chen: Really?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : And then it developed too fast and turned bad. If we Earth people are not careful, we’ll also  become like that later.

Chen: Just now you mentioned that Mars was like the Earth in the past. At present, the most popular topic under discussion in the world is the issue of global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Right.

Chen: So is this a really serious problem? Will the Earth really face the end of the world?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : It is serious. If we don’t find ways to improve, it’ll be serious, and very soon, sooner than we can imagine. There is no time to wait.


Reduced overall rain in Mumbai region signals diminished crop yield.

Recent weather statistics for Mumbai’s Maharashtra state in India show that only four districts out of 35 received adequate rainfall during this year’s monsoon season. Climate change-related weather extremes are also being seen across the state, with districts such as Solapur remaining virtually untouched, while Ratnagiri has received over 1,000 mm of rain. As a result, less than half of Maharashtra’s 1.28 billion total hectares of available farmland are being sown with crop-bearing seed.
We thank the Maharashtra state officials for providing this timely information. May our awakened awareness bring swift actions to restore balance and provide adequate sustenance to all life on Earth.

Progress in saving the planet.

With a population of nearly 8.3 million people, New York City is one of the largest metropolitan regions in the world. As a coastal city, it has been watching the sea level rise at a worrisome rate that is faster than the global average. Columbia University researchers expect more severe heat waves, droughts and floods as global warming continues. Fortunately, the residents and New York City’s government have been responding. This trend was noted during the recent videoconference between Supreme Master Ching Hai and our Association members living in the city.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with New York Center, USA – July 13, 2008

Our Association member (F): We found many changes as we go on.More people are more receptive of the urgency of global warming. More people become more vegetarian, or more aware that vegetarian helps. We have also noticed many changes in government administration policies.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Yes.

(F): For example, New York City Mayor Bloomberg has made good green policies to the city. All the city-owned cars and even taxis are changed to hybrids. And lots of trees have been planted within the metro area.

(F): So Master, do you think all these indicate the rapid growth of the conscious level of the people of the world? Is the planet Earth going to become a physical Heaven soon?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Well, I don’t know how soon but I hope it’s very soon. I hope what you hope, yes. But all those positive changes sure do indicate a higher level of consciousness. As the world population become more aware of the ephemeral nature of life and how fragile the planet can be and realizing their lifestyle habits should be changed. So now they begin to treat the environment with respect, yes, begin to have more vegetarian choice. It’s good to see. And if we hasten this process, yes, there will be, Heaven on Earth.

(F): Right.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : We have more than two years. I hope we can make it. Just change to a vegetarian diet. How easier can it be?

VOICE: Thank you Supreme Master Ching Hai for showing us the easiest and quickest way for us to preserve and improve the world we live in. We also convey our appreciation for the concern of governments and fellow citizens who are all working to be part of the solution. May Eden on Earth be realized soon.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television at a later date for the broadcast of this