One’s inner shield is the best protection. (Videoconference) - 19 July 2008  
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One’s inner shield is the best protection.

Through the recent in-depth discussions on climate change with Supreme Master Ching Hai, we have been able to see that the essence of the global crisis is not only a technical matter. A question asked during the most recent videoconference in New York, USA revealed the one valid means of protection in this world.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with New York Center, USA – July 13, 2008

Our Association member (F): Is it possible to create a spiritual shield over and around planet Earth to eliminate the lower consciousness? I know we meditate; it’s a personal shield. Is it possible to create a planet shield?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If some people do not change their lowly conception, no shield is possible. No shield can against retribution of the bad karma. There is no bargain in the karmic law. If we could create a shield God will have done it already. Or all the saints have done it already. We do what we can to give people the shield. Personal shield! And then later on there’s no more shield necessary even. No calamity, no negative happenings, nothing. You will live in Heaven and safe. So only the correction of negative habits can help to make this so-called shield. The humans have to change to a better, nobler mentality. That’s the only shield we can have.

VOICE: We appreciate the wisdom and deep love conveyed through Supreme Master Ching Hai’s words of advice. We pray for the restoration of each and every person’s best and lasting spiritual shield. May all be protected until the day we can live together in a world of wisdom, love and joy!

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Peruvian Andes may completely melt within 25 years.

 A group of the world's leading glaciologists recently met in Peru to discuss the alarming speed at which the Andean glaciers are melting. As a major source of drinking water and hydro-energy for millions of residents, the rapidly melting glaciers could severely affect up to 70 percent of the Andean people by the year 2025. The Peruvian government is now looking into ocean water desalination as a way to help mitigate these effects.

Your warning is much appreciated, respected glaciologists. Blesssed be our swift steps to conserve resources and address the root causes of climate change, for the survival of all the world’s citizens.