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World Environment Day illuminates greener living. The Chicago Botanic Garden in Illinois, USA, has 26 spectacular gardens on 385 acres.

Sophia Siskel, CEO of the Chicago Botanic Garden, World Environment Day 2008 North American host: The Chicago Botanic Garden has an international reputation for plant conservation, biology, and conservation and restoration ecology programs.

VOICE: The Garden was chosen to represent North America for the United Nations’ June 5 World Environment Day. The day opened with a talk on food production and its ecological costs.

Ashok Khosla, Development Alternatives NGO in New Dehli, India, former information system director of United Nations Environment Program: It’s got to do with the use of energies and the products of the soil. For every kilogram of beef that you grow, you have to use 10 kilograms of grain, in the form of grain which could have been eaten by human beings. So it’s a very inefficient way to convert the products of nature into food.

OICE: Outdoors, the verdant landscape offered a suitable venue for a fair that exhibited technologies, which were not only eco-friendly but helpful to those most in need.
Ashok Khosla, Development Alternatives NGO in New Delhi, India, former information systems director of United Nations Environment Program: The way we do this is to apply really good science, good technology, good engineering principles to do things that make it possible for people to make a livelihood, a job for themselves, solve their own problems and the problems of their community by producing the goods and services they need and doing it in a manner that doesn’t destroy the environment.

VOICE: This Sun Oven is able to cook for 6 to 8 people using solar power only. It is emissions-free and has the potential to help millions of people avoid the need to buy and burn huge amounts of wood or charcoal, which are harmful to the respiratory system as well as the environment.

Paul Munsen, President of Sun Ovens International: All you do is set it like this, open it up and then you open the inside and you can cook inside this chamber. This will heat up the temperature as high as 400 degrees Fahrenheit. And it can bake or boil or steam foods. Foods don’t burn when they are cooked in a Sun Oven because it’s a totally even heat. When they are used in a developing country and they save trees from being cut down, the actual regeneration of the oxygen the trees create has a real positive effect.
VOICE: Thank you Chicago Botanic Garden for your gracious hosting of this eco-event. And hats off to the inventive minds and the open-minded public who are eager to listen and share about the sustainable ways we can all begin to live. Here’s to a smart, green and prosperous future!
German parliament adopts climate package

Germany takes further steps to halt global warming. The nation’s parliament has set a new goal of reducing carbon emissions 36 percent by the year 2020. During the same time period, the country also intends to double the power generated from sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar to 30 percent, and to increase the use of combined heat and power (CHP) to 25 percent. Legislators are also working on laws that will provide emissions-based structuring of car taxes. Germany, we applaud your dedication to these goals for counteracting climate change. May your lands flourish in sustainable health and beauty as a reflection of the measures taken to preserve our precious Earth.
Top Companies, Schwarzenegger, Blair Launch ‘Together’ Climate Campaign

The Climate Group launches US campaign. With the support of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Prime Minister Tony Blair, The Climate Group’s “Together” campaign has begun in the United States. The Together initiative launched last year in the United Kingdom has helped reduce carbon emissions by half-a-million tons and saved consumers over US$200 million in energy bills. With plans to launch the Together campaign next in Australia, China and India, Dr. Steve Howard, CEO of The Climate Group, stated, “Climate change is a global issue that requires a global response.” What exciting news! Many thanks The Climate Group and all participants, for your efforts to unite in solving the shared concern of global warming. For the sake of all the Earth’s inhabitants, we wish you every success.
Supply Chain Managers Are Architecting A Green Future

Corporations redesign supply chains around green principles. A survey of 350 businesses around the globe, conducted by US-based research firm Aberdeen Group, found that 83% of supply chain managers had already performed a green redesign of their supply chain, or process for getting a product or service from the company to the customer. Some of the top reasons businesses gave for doing so were to reduce costs, improve social responsibility and reduce waste. Our appreciation, companies and supply chain managers, for your eco-conscious efforts. May you find numerous benefits to both Mother Earth and your enterprise through these sustainable business practices.
Winter rainfalls have farmers singing in the grain

Rains bring hopes for harvest in Australia. Recent winter rains of up to 50 mm in Queensland and in the northeast part of New South Wales in Australia are raising hopes for this season’s good crop yields, especially grain harvests. The rains are especially welcomed as Australia is coping with a six-year drought that many experts have linked to global warming. Australia’s National Climate Centre is now predicting rain for the central and southeastern parts of Australia in the next week, which would be happily received by all. We thank God for the winter rains in Australia and pray for conditions that continue to favor bountiful harvests and a healthy planet.

Ethiopia takes action to manage the effects of climate change. Speaking at a UN conference on Thursday’s World Environment Day, Ethiopia’s President President Girma Wolde Giorgis affirmed the country’s ongoing efforts to address global warming and protect the environment. Ethiopia’s latest initiative, “Three Trees for 3000,” builds on a previous project that resulted in the planting of over six million trees. Three Trees for 3000 will continue to increase forested areas around the country to help prevent desertification and protect from extreme weather patterns. Bravo Your Excellency and Ethiopia for your green initiatives! May Allah bless your efforts with an abundant and sustainable future for the lovely Ethiopian people.

Ten reasons why organic can feed the world

Ecologist magazine states organic foods can sustainably feed the world. Senior staff journalist Mark Anslow and freelance writer Ed Hamer have concluded that with a change in the foods we eat and the way we farm, organic growing can provide enough food for the world. Their research revealed that growing organic food requires less energy, often produces higher yields, and dramatically reduces the release of nitrous oxide, a dangerous greenhouse gas approximately 300 times more potent than CO2. Based on an energy analysis, the authors also stated that people will need to reduce their consumption of meat and dairy products to produce enough food in the coming years to feed the planet. We appreciate these insights, Messrs. Anslow and Hamer. How wonderful to be able to combine more healthful and plentiful harvests with growing practices that contribute to a sustainable life on Earth!