California saves money by saving energy - 25 Oct 2008  
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California saves money by saving energy
California’s energy efficiency initiatives save money. A report by the University of California – Berkeley, USA found that California’s energy efficiency initiatives during the past 35 years resulted in a net savings of US$56 billion in electricity costs, and a creation of 1.5 million jobs. As a result of these programs that set energy usage standards for homes, buildings and home appliances, Californians use 40 percent less electricity than the average American. We laud your green innovations, California! Blessed be your model example in leading to lighter footsteps on our shared planetary abode.

'Water Footprint' Promotes Sustainable And Fair Use Of Water Resources
Water Footprint Network launched to promote sustainable water usage. Six international organizations, including the Worldwide Fund for Nature, UNESCO, and the Netherlands’ University of Twente have collaborated to form the network, which is designed to help provide insight into water usage for better resource management.

The organization’s website,, provides water calculators, which highlights animal products as being the most water-intensive. Our sincere thanks all Water Footprint Network contributors, for sharing this important aspect of climate change. With the grace of the Providence, may everyone seek to reduce water consumption through such sustainable practices as the animal-free vegetarian diet, to ensure plentiful supplies for all. 

Sindh faces 35% water shortage
Pakistani region faces water shortage. Minister for Agriculture Syed Ali Nawaz Shah reported that this year’s 35 percent water shortage in the Sindh province of Pakistan will result in the failure of most crops if rain doesn’t arrive soon. Mr. Shah explained that even the monsoon season did not bring rain this year.

The seriousness of the matter requires consultation with the federal government for solutions, as well as an upcoming meeting planned between the irrigation minister and crop growers to discuss water distribution. Our prayers for the good people of Sindh as they await vital rain to enable their crops to feed the nation. May we all take steps to restore the plentiful state of our Earth through our conserving lifestyles and respect for all life.

Climate deal seen helping overcome financial crisis
Green investments strengthen economy. The European Union’s Environment Minister, Stavros Dimas, stated on Tuesday that the current world financial situation will in fact aid European Union member states in coping with climate change.

Minister Dimas emphasized the significant economic and environmental benefits of developing and implementing a package to deal with climate change, saying that a shift to sustainable, clean and efficient energy will create numerous jobs as well as boost economies. Your Excellency and the European Union, we admire your progressive outlook that expands the horizons of both ecology and economy. May all nations be encouraged by the promising benefits to both people and the planet of measures such as these.