Global Warming Threatens Australia's Iconic Kangaroos - 20 Oct 2008  
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Global Warming Threatens Australia's Iconic Kangaroos
Global warming endangers kangaroos. With temperatures in northern Australia predicted to rise by up to six degrees Celsius due to global warming, researchers Euan G. Ritchie and Elizabeth E. Bolitho of James Cook University conducted a study to evaluate the risks of these changes to four species of the country’s iconic kangaroos.

Their research found that a rise of just two degrees would cause a 48% reduction in the kangaroo’s habitat, with a potential loss of up to 89% for certain species such as the water-loving antilopine wallaroo. A six degree increase would shrink the marsupial’s habitable region by 96%, resulting in certain extinction. We thank researchers Mr. Ritchie and Ms. Bolitho for imparting this vital information. We pray our quick adoption of eco-friendly lifestyles will ensure the protection of Australia’s beloved kangaroos and all other creations of God.
Forest loss costs more than finance crisis
Deforestation causes immense economic loss. Sponsored by the European Union and Germany, a new study led by Indian economist Pavan Sukhdev estimates that the worldwide economic loss due to deforestation could be up to US$5 trillion.
This amount includes costs resulting from species loss, polluted water supplies, flood protection costs and reduced global capacity of carbon absorption. These findings have prompted the launch of the Green Economy Initiative, which is now being launched with the support of the United Nations Environmental Program. The initiative highlights eco-friendly investments that greatly increase economic growth and job availability. Our appreciation, European Union, Germany, Mr. Sukhdev and associates for confirming the manifold importance of our precious trees. May we immediately act to restore this life-giving wealth of our Earth.

15 EU countries on track to meet Kyoto targets
European Union on track to meet Kyoto goals. A report released by the European Environment Agency on Thursday states that the original 15 member nations of the European Union are on their way to achieving the eight percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2012.

In 2006, Britain, France, Greece and Sweden had already reached a level below the Kyoto goal. And although the goal agreed by European leaders in 2007 of a 20 percent decrease by the year 2020 would not be met by current practices alone, implementation of additional measures could still assure its attainment. Our respectful accolades, European Union, for your cooperative efforts and commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. May your endeavors motivate many toward similarly noble pursuits, to restore the verdant beauty of our planet.