Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden. - 5 Sep 2008  
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Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden. 

For the past eight years, vegan radio host Bob Linden has been working diligently to help the public understand the benefits of animal-free living. His weekly radio program on, based in the United States, covers a wide range of topics including animal welfare, health, environment, world hunger, morality and peace. Mr. Linden recently invited Supreme Master Ching Hai for an interview and asked for her perspective on the vegan diet’s importance in helping our planet.

Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by Bob Linden of Go Vegan Radio, USA
September 3, 2008

Bob Linden (M): You have actually seen climate change first hand with your relief work in disasters, what would that be telling you? You have seen the climate change for yourself and what it’s done in natural disasters, yes?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. Concerning these effects on global warming connecting with meat and dairy and animal raising, I have seen that long ago; it’s just intuitively, before I even know that the scientists have any evidence about it, and mostly I just talk to my close circle of people. Originally I also don’t know if I can tell anyone or any one listen at all. But now that the time is short, and the situation is urgent so I went all out just to inform people that it’s not only cruelty to animals when we’re eating meat and dairy, but it is also harming to our health and destroying the planet, and it is very urgent right now. We must stop this; we must stop all the killing of humans and animals and the environment.

To listen to or know more about “Go Vegan with Bob Linden,” please visit

 VOICE: We salute Mr. Linden and GoVeganRadio for your pioneering and dedicated efforts to advocate veganism for a more compassionate, healthy and just world.

We also especially thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for taking her time to share valuable knowledge and her loving concern for the well-being of our Earth. May we all adopt a vegan lifestyle that will simultaneously benefit fellow humans, animals and the environment.

The full interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai will be broadcast on radio stations in Los Angeles, California and Seattle, Washington this Saturday, September 6.

The Seattle broadcast will air September 6 from 8:00AM-9:00AM PDT on KPTK Radio AM 1090 and also online at: at 5:00PM CET.

The Los Angeles broadcast will air September 6 from 4:00PM-5:00PM PDT on KTLK Radio AM 1150 and also online at: on Sunday, September 7 at 1:00AM CET.

This show will also be permanently archived at:

Please also tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom at a later date for the full broadcast of this interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles

Massive chunks of ice shelves gone from Canadian Arctic.

The Markham Ice Shelf, one of five remaining in Canada’s Arctic, has completely broken away and is now adrift in the Arctic Ocean. This once vast ice shelf joins the more than 200 square km of ice that has disappeared this summer, which is more than 10 times higher than expected. Dr. Derek Mueller of Canada’s Trent University stated, “You just can’t have ice shelves in a warm climate. These… events underscore the rapidity of changes taking place in the Arctic. These changes are irreversible under the present climate.”
We thank Dr. Mueller and all the dedicated polar scientists for updating the public on this alarming Arctic trend. May our awareness catalyze rapid actions to halt global warming and save the lives of many beings on Earth.;

Saving food is essential to save water.

A recent collaboration among the Stockholm International Water Institute, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Water Management Institute culminated in a report titled, “Saving Water: From Field to Fork – Curbing Losses and Wastage in the Food Chain.” The report states that in the United States alone, 30 percent of all food is thrown away, which is the same as wasting 40 trillion liters of water – enough for domestic use by half a billion people. These major organizations are calling on governments worldwide to reduce food wastage so as to conserve water, curb food shortages, and minimize world hunger.
Stockholm International Water Institute, UN Food and Agriculture Organization and International Water Management Institute, we laud your dedicated research and proposed solutions for wise food use. We pray that nations adopt these suggestions along with the plant-based diet for the maximum preservation and benefit to all people on Earth.

Study predicts alarming four degree temperature increase.

Scientists at the United Kingdom’s Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research are now predicting double the rise in temperature that is considered safe to avoid climate catastrophe. Internationally, it has been agreed that governments should strive to keep global temperature increases below two degrees Celsius. However, the Tyndall Centre research says that CO2 levels in the atmosphere are headed towards 650 parts per million, which corresponds to a four-degree temperature rise. According to the 2006 Stern review on the economics of climate change, an increase of four-degrees could lead to extinction of 50 per cent of animal and plant species, along with 300 million more people being affected by coastal flooding each year and a 30 to 50 per cent reduction in water availability.
Our sincere appreciation, Tyndall Centre scientists for this candid report. We pray that through our quick and sincere efforts, we may reverse this trend and restore the cooling balance of our vital biosphere.
Valuable agricultural soil disappearing in Europe.

During the EuroSoil 2008 conference in Vienna, Austria, experts warned that unless current soil management practices in Europe are changed, future availability of agricultural soil will be very limited. Germany alone loses 110 to 120 hectares of soil due to municipal development each year. Winfried E. H. Blum, President of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS) and organizer of EuroSoil 2008, highlighted the importance of responsible use of the earth to prevent further loss of agricultural land.
We are grateful, Mr. Blum and soil experts, for your timely cautions. Blessed be your message in motivating nations to evaluate urban and other development with careful consideration of the welfare of our Mother Earth.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri encourages less meat to solve global warming.

The Ethical Vegetarian Alternative (EVA), a Belgian vegetarian organization, recently invited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change head Dr. Rajendra Pachauri to give a lecture at their “Less Meat, Less Heat” event, which was co-sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund Belgium and Greenpeace Belgium. During his address, Dr. Pachauri emphasized the need for individuals to make lifestyle changes to overcome the planetary crisis and highlighted the meat industry’s major impact on our climate, which he said could be offset by switching to a plant-based diet. Dr. Pachauri noted that if everyone in Belgium stopped eating meat once a week for a year, the greenhouse gas reduction would be equivalent to taking a million cars off Belgium’s roads.
Dr. Pachauri, we thank you for sharing your expertise and raising awareness of the direct connection between meat consumption and climate change. We pray that everyone soon adopts a meat-free lifestyle as the fastest and most effective way to restore our Earth.,