Brazil discovers penguins on shore. - 31 Aug 2008  
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Brazil discovers penguins on shore.

More than 200 penguins were recently found washed up on the shores of southern Brazilian states, having perished from an oil spill of unknown causes. Another 155 were found to be still alive and are being treated by experts in the city of Florianopolis. Biologists and veterinarians from other states have also joined in to help restore the health of the surviving birds, while scientists are looking into why so many of the penguins are arriving on the Latin American shores. Up to 500 already-perished or dying birds have been found along the northern coast this year. Climatologist Jose Marengo of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and a member of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, “Global warming is the logical cause. Sea currents are a reflection of wind patterns. This winter has started earlier and, so far, has been more severe.”

Brazilian experts and all concerned citizens, thank you for your efforts to assist our feathered friends and to discern the cause of their plight. We pray that through acting quickly we can reverse this warming trend, for our own survival and that of all treasured co-inhabitants.;_ylt=Ag1zo2swB27CyJOhFt4I21JvaA8F,