Supreme Master Ching Hai shares insights with New Zealand Association members.(Videoconference) - 24 Aug 2008  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai shares insights with New Zealand Association members.

In a recent videoconference, our Association members had the opportunity to ask Supreme Master Ching Hai about the future prospects of our planet. It soon became clear that change for the better is happening quickly, and that much continues to depend on our focused actions.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Auckland Center, New Zealand – August 19, 2008

Our Association member (F): Master, you said recently that if 160 million more people became vegetarian or vegan, the critical mass would be reached. If this happens, do we still need two-thirds of the world’s population to become vegetarian in order to save the planet? And if we reach critical mass, how quickly will the rest of the world’s population awaken to the need to become vegetarian? Will it be a quick awakening? Thank you, Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Critical mass mean only the beginning. And we still need two-thirds of the planet, minimum, to be vegetarian in order to change the direction of the climate, restore the order of the Earth, repair the damage that we have done to the planet. So we still need this “two-thirds,” quotations. And I just hope that after we reach the critical mass, maybe within two years and half, three years, the planet population will be wholly, mostly influenced by this critical mass energy, and then we might be happy then. We have not even reached the critical mass yet. But I’m happy to tell you that we’re almost there. We’re already 800 million. So we need one more hundred million. Work hard.

Our Association member (F): Thank you so much Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Work harder. Every day, more new vegetarian members. Every day, every day.

VOICE: What exciting and encouraging news! We sincerely thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her loving hope for the future. With further efforts and Heaven’s continued blessing, may the momentum build evermore quickly toward a peaceful vegetarian world.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Between Master and Disciples at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

North America bird decline linked to global warming.

Drastic drops in bird populations in both Canada and the United States has been linked to climate change and habitat loss due to urbanization and factory farming land use. The extent of the bird decline is alarming, with the Audubon Society having recently identified 20 common birds in the US whose numbers have declined by more than 50%. The list includes such well-known avian as the eastern meadowlark and the whippoorwill.

Meanwhile the situation north of the border is just as grave: Out of 428 bird species regularly found in Canada, 60 are at risk of extinction. In the last 40 years, common terns have declined by 71%, boreal chickadees by 70% and the evening grosbeak by 78%. Dr. John Waud, environmental science professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology in the US, said these numbers do not bode well for humans as birds are an indicator of the health of the overall environment.

May all who listen to the songs of our lovely feathered friends also hear the message the birds are sending us now on the need to act immediately to preserve our shared planetary home.,