Seeking first the Kingdom of God.(Videoconference) - 22 Aug 2008  
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Seeking first the Kingdom of God.

 In the current agricultural system, inefficiencies of the meat industry cost governments and taxpayers billions of dollars both in subsidies and costs to human health. During the videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and our Association members in Sydney, Australia, the question of how to best transition away from farm animals was raised.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Sydney Center, Australia – August 17, 2008

Our Association member (F): Many people are concerned that if animal farming is banned, farmers will lose their jobs and governments will lose income. Some people argue that this will greatly hamper the economy. What shall we suggest to the government to peacefully transit from animal farming to vegetable farming?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : They will have income. There are organic farming to do. Right now we are short of food so I don’t understand why people should not grow food to give it to the world. Many countries cannot export more rice to a rich country even. That’s because there’s shortage of food.

So every government should concentrate on giving the farmers encouragement, subsidies, so that they grow organic farming. There are green technology to be working on. And if we are vegetarian, then there will be very less expense. There’s no need to have so much tax even. Because people will not be sick anymore.
There’s no more tax to build more hospitals. No more tax to build more equipment. And everybody will live in peace. And the government of all the countries will share all their wealth to all the people and everyone will have enough. Once we have the good merit, everything else will come to us. If people only remember God, and try to seek God, then everything else will come into their life.
VOICE: Our deep gratitude goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai, for reminding us of the true way to abundance and fulfillment in all aspects of our lives. May we follow the courageous and wise way of living by shifting toward a virtuous, vegetarian society.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Between Master and Disciples at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles. 

UN climate change leader warns of impending global effects.

As new climate negotiations began at UN offices in Ghana, Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, chief of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, addressed the 1,600 assembled participants where he highlighted humanity’s finite window of opportunity to reverse the effects of global warming.  He stated “If we allow things to continue unchanged and we don't take action today, it [will] destabilize human society.”

Dr. Pachauri, we deeply appreciate your ongoing efforts to raise awareness and encourage governments toward meaningful steps to mitigate climate change. May your words be taken to heart across the globe for swift measures to preserve humanity and our uniquely beautiful Earth.,  

Over half a million families in the Philippines coping with hunger.

A survey done by Pulse Asia found that in June 2008, an estimated three percent, or 530,000 Philippine households had, at minimum, one person who went without food for at least one day during the month. The research also showed that the Philippine people have been reducing food expenditures due to high inflation rates, with the reason for going without nourishment most often being a lack of money to purchase food.

Pulse Asia, we appreciate your providing this informative survey. With Heaven’s grace, may everyone adopt the animal-free vegetarian diet so that there will always be sufficient and affordable food for the gentle citizens of the Philippines and the world.

Drought in Western United States potentially catastrophic. 

Climate change is silently taking its toll on water supplies in the US west, putting the region on a path that local water managers and scientists such as Steven Chu, a Nobel laureate and the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, describe as an approaching disaster. Glaciers in Montana’s Glacier National Park have decreased from 150 in 1910 to a mere 25 today, with the ones that remain melting at a rate of nine percent per year.  The Colorado River, which offers the main water supply to seven US states with a population of 23 million people, is expected to be too dry to meet its contractual requirements within just a few years’ time.

We are thankful, Dr. Chu and all other concerned parties, for this clear-sighted view of the potentially devastating effects of climate change. We pray for greater awareness and rapid action to preserve our planet’s precious natural resources.'s_water/,