Urgent action still imperative within extended time. (Videoconference) - 22 Aug 2008  
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Urgent action still imperative within extended time.

Through Heaven’s grace and the quick shift by many in adopting a plant-based diet, the window of time to alter the course of climate change has more than doubled since Supreme Master Ching Hai informed us of the two year period starting in February 2008. Supreme Master Ching Hai explained a way to regard this gift of additional time during the recent videoconference with our Association members in Sydney, Australia.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Sydney Center, Australia – August 17, 2008

Our Association member (M): From the recent videoconferences, I heard we had about three-and-a-half years to convert people to the vegetarian diet. Does that mean there will not be any major catastrophes happening in Australia within this period?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : What affects the whole world will affect also Australia, more or less. The thing is, we have more time now than that. We have more time, as more vegetarian people join in, and a little bit of saving from the planetary environmental protection. We have like 4 years and 6 months now, at this moment.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : 4 years and 6 months. But we cannot keep extending forever. Because even as we are extending our deadline to change the problem of the planet, the planet will also continue to take its course with the disaster that is coming, to the lesser degree than it would have been. Even if we have 4 years and 6 months, if the people do not change the way of life to a nobler and more compassionate style, then the disaster will take its course.

For example, nobody becomes vegetarian anymore, and now we have 4 years and 6 months. Then 4 years, 6 months will be the point of no return.

I feel positive that people will change. Not only in Australia that we will avoid disaster, but everywhere in the world. The majority of people will change. And I only need two-thirds of the population of the planet that change. Then we can save the world and repair the planet. And the vegetarian people will live happily on the world with full of abundance, loving and kind.

VOICE: We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for patiently explaining the situation we are facing, and the possible courses of action. May the one we choose be wise: a swift, collective adoption of the vegetarian, meaning animal-free diet.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Between Master and Disciples at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles

Biofuels are found to contribute to global warming.

In the first of two studies, a US scientist from the Nature Conservancy and researchers from the University of Minnesota found that converting the Southeast Asian or Latin American grasslands, savannas, peatlands or forests into biofuel plantations actually causes a net increase in greenhouse gas levels, which persists for decades or even centuries.
The second study concluded that it would take over 150 years for the planet-warming effect of biofuels to subside. Lead researcher Tim Searchinger further stated that any variety of the popular biofuel ethanol is more detrimental to the environment than gasoline.

A big green thank you all scientists and authors involved in sharing these findings. We look forward to governments worldwide focusing on development of truly sustainable energy sources to protect our cherished Earth.
