Is it time to turn vegetarian? - 6 Jun 2008  
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Is it time to turn vegetarian?

Go veg to reduce food prices, says UN climate agency head. This week’s climate change talks in Germany have focused on the effects of biofuels in driving up food costs. UN Framework Comittee on Climate Change Executive Secretary, Yvo de Boer, has pointed out that a bigger part of higher food price increases comes from feeding grain to animals being raised for meat. Secretary de Boer stated, “The best solution would be for us all to become vegetarians.” We appreciate your perspective on this vital matter, Mr. de Boer. May we all join in recognizing this optimal choice of an animal-free vegetarian diet to reduce food prices and reverse global warming.

Environment day calls for end to carbon addiction

From Tunisia to Thailand to Greece and Pakistan, across the Americas and Australia, World Environment Day on June 5 was celebrated by students of all ages, companies of all sizes and government leaders at every level. Commemorations included garden building, tree plantings and learning new things about our daily impact on the environment. This year’s main activities took place in the host nation of New Zealand. Supreme Master Television went on location for this special report.

SupremeMasterTV: We are present in an important event held in Tepapa Museum in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, which is hosting World Environment Day this year. We are meeting with leaders at a special press conference, to address the biggest crisis facing humanity today:

Climate change. Hon. Trevor Mallard, New Zealand Minister for the Environment: It is a real pleasure for New Zealand and it’s an honour that we are hosting such a significant event.

SupremeMasterTV: The special guests at today’s press conference include Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;

Honourable Trevor Mallard, Minister for the Environment; and President Tong of Kiribati. :a Pacific Islands nation being submerged: If the world community, the different countries don’t kick the carbon habits, there’ll be other countries next on the line.

Mr. Achim Steiner, United Nation’s Under Secretary General and United Nations Environment Programme Executive Director: And that is just the beginning of the visible impact of climate change. The invisible part, the bits that we have not necessarily understood that are happening around us, are also on their way.

VOICE: One important way to adopt the theme of this year’s event and “kick the carbon habit,” is by eating less meat. Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, addressed this key solution in a press conference.
SupremeMasterTV:  From Supreme Master Television, my question is for Dr. Pachauri. You once made a plea saying “Please eat less meat; meat is a very carbon intensive commodity.” Please can you explain to our global viewers, how eating less meat will help to curb global warming?

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Well if you look at the entire commercialized meat cycle, let’s start with the killing of the animal itself. It has to be preserved, in a cool environment, and today this is a global business, we not only need refrigeration at source, we also need refrigeration at transportation. And then all the meat is stored in warehouses, from where it goes to retail outlets. And in retail outlets it’s kept again under refrigeration.

People buy meat, they buy a whole lot of it, take it home. Refrigerators have larger and larger freezers now. Why? Because you need to preserve meat. And I am not even talking about clearing of forest for pasture land! So if you were to take into account the entire chain, the entire cycle of meat production and consumption, it’s hugely intensive in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. And therefore, I always say that if you eat less meat you would be healthier and so would the planet!

VOICE: Dr. Pachauri later granted Supreme Master Television an interview, further sharing his advice.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: I think it would help the global community enormously, if we consume less meat. But I am only highlighting the fact that the entire meat cycle is very very intensive, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. I would say Go Veg, Be Green and save our planet! And I'd like to say this to Supreme Master Television: Best wishes for your endeavors towards a sustainable world. Thank you.

VOICE: Thank you Dr. Rajendra Pachauri and all caring leaders of the future of our climate and our world environment. May we all rise to the task of reducing our carbon footprints by turning to healthier plant-based diets.
Canberra to get world-first climate change center

Australia launches world’s first legal climate change research center. Located at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, a statement from the university said, “The ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy has been established in response to a growing awareness of the legal dimensions of global warming.” The center will offer postgraduate studies on climate change, including international law, climate litigation, encouraging sustainable energy and regulating carbon emissions from transport and forestry. Way to go ANU and Australia! Our many-fold gratefulness for this premier institute to address global policies and decisions that affect our planet’s future. May your students and researchers be the intelligent and ennobled voices that help inspire further steps toward saving our treasured planetary home.

U.K. Gives $894 Million to Alleviate Food Crisis

Food summit raises US$3 billion in donations. Leaders and their representatives from across the globe have been meeting in Rome, Italy this week to find solutions to the current food crisis. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)-sponsored meeting is seeking to finalize a plan to mobilize aid in the short term, as well as reduce trade barriers and boost farming in the nations most at risk of hunger. Donors whose pledges totaled US$3 billion included Spain, the UK and New Zealand.

UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon expressed the importance of the proceedings and declared the summit successful, stating, “Hunger degrades everything we have been fighting for in recent years and decades. We are duty-bound to act, to act now and to act as one.” Heaven’s blessings and our delight, UN FAO and all donors, for your unified support in seeking to ensure that the world’s hungry are fed. We pray for a world where all have adequate nutrition in harmony and peace.

Desert is claiming southeast Spain

Global warming is turning southern Spain into an arid desert land. In the province of Murcia, families have been assigned to receive only 30% of their normal water allotment as local supplies dwindle and water coming from northern Spain has declined due to regional shortages. Farmers have been trying to adapt by growing less water-intensive crops. Barbara Helferrich, spokeswoman for the European Union's Environment Directorate said, "Water will be the environmental issue this year. The problem is urgent and immediate." Our prayers go to the people of Spain for the blessing of rainfall and conservation measures to extend the supply of life-giving water. May we strive to live more sustainably for the benefit of our own lives and those of our global neighbors.
Environment 'more vital than economy'

Economy less crucial than environment. In an interview with BBC News, Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurria expressed his concern that climate change would be far more important than short-term economic problems. With the Kyoto protocol, which has set goals for greenhouse gas emissions, expiring in 2012, Mr. Gurria is urging developed nations to financially support the developing counterparts in becoming more environmentally sound. He also encourages all nations to join in a future agreement to save our planet, as it is for the benefit of all. Your Excellency, we are grateful for your clarification of the vital importance of restoring our planetary home. May all nations join in addressing our shared concern of halting climate change.
Shanghai takes hard line to clear air and water

China’s Shanghai sets sights on clean air and water. Actions planned by the city’s Environmental Protection Bureau include upgrading or shutting down power plants, developing waste treatment facilities, and monitoring local companies to improve their eco-profiles. By 2010, the city also expects to reduce water pollution as well as harmful sulfur dioxide emissions. Hats off, Shanghai, for your noble green goals. May your environmentally conscious practices restore the purity of these vital resources for everyone to benefit. 

Discovery Channel introduces new eco-channel.

“Planet Green” has launched with a range of programs airing around the clock, 7 days a week in the United States. Shows include “Greenovate,” with renovation ideas to save money and reduce our environmental footprint; “Hollywood Green,” on green stars and shows, and “Living with Ed,” a program with eco-conscious vegetarian actor Ed Begley, Jr. Planet Green President Eileen O’Neill stated, “Now is a critical time in our planet's health. There is a rally cry out there, and now we're really going to bring it into viewers' own homes to be the inspiration for them to make changes around their household and lifestyle.” Hats off, Discovery Channel, for bringing green to the mainstream! Our very best wishes for your success. May many viewers be inspired by your shows to save the planet! 

Russia swings to openness on clean energy

Russia pledges support for clean energy. At a meeting of top government officials on Tuesday, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev promised to set aside government funding for sustainable energy projects. He said, "I cannot neglect the necessity of overhauling the system of ecological responsibility." The following day, Sergei Mironov, Speaker of the upper House of Parliament, highlighted the necessity of establishing emission limits to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution. Our heartfelt thanks, Your Excellency and other Russian leaders, for these supportive moves to protect people and our precious planet from the damaging effects of climate change. May Russia make rapid progress in her green initiatives.
Campaign against non-veg food to save planet

PETA urges the adoption of an animal-free diet in India. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) held a rally in Madhya Pradesh state’s capital city of Bhopal, to convey the message that the easiest and fastest way to help the global environment is to adopt a vegetarian diet. Nikunj Sharma, campaign coordinator for PETA said, “Arguably, the best way to reduce global warming in our lifetimes is to reduce or eliminate our consumption of animal products.” He also cited the UN report stating that meat production is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all transportation emissions worldwide. We thank you, PETA, for raising your voice and people’s awareness about this essential matter for the welfare of the animals, our planet and humanity. May your message open people’s mind to try the all-nutritious and life-saving animal-free diet.