Peaceful co existence is the essential key to solving global warming. -26 May 2008  
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Peaceful co-existence is the essential key to solving global warming.

The logic is simple as it is clear, retold by science as well as all the world’s great religions: We reap the consequences of our actions, and that’s why we must live in harmony with the world around us.

Cho Won-Woong, Director, Korean Center for International Commission for Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency: Today’s most important subject is going back to Eden. That is, give up meat-eating and go veggie! I think vegetarianism alone would create a brand new history that can save the world.

VOICE: The SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming was an eye-opening experience for many participants, gathered from different countries and ranks of government, media, nongovernmental groups and education.

Kim Gi-Seong, Vice Chairman of Seoul City Council: I think this seminar will awaken not only citizens but all parts of society to the danger confronting us.

Lee Hui-Jung, Secretary-General of Korean Parents Association for Correct Education: She’s not here in this situation, but she pointed out exactly what to do in the future. So, I felt she has a wisdom eye to see, even though she is not present.

VOICE: Addressing a packed hall of invited guests comprised mostly of dignitaries, Supreme Master Ching Hai delivered a candid message on climate change that went to the heart of the matter.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have to tackle the root of problem. The root of the problem is the cause of global warming, and that root is our unkindness to our co-inhabitants. And we have also been unkind to our environment. So we have been massacring our co-inhabitant animals, and we have been destroying our environment like deforesting and destroying the water and destroying the air. So from all this we cannot expect a better outcome. In order to solve the problem that we are facing right now, we have to reverse our actions. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants.

VOICE: Many attendees were inspired that evening to become vegetarians, leaders by example.

Kim, Jong-Sun, Former Principal of Andong Middle School: When each individual gives up meat and goes veggie we’re first taking care of our own health and then we’re reviving the earth, so it’s very meaningful.

Have you ever heard of Supreme Master Ching Hai?

Kim, Jong-Sun: No, I haven’t until today. I think she has a heart like the ocean and she is kind, and I can feel her love touch my heart.

Gwon Tae-Hyung, Director of Daegu City Environment & Green Land Department, South Korea: What Supreme Master emphasized really resonated in my heart. I hope the government will incorporate this good teaching in their policies, that we have to start with promoting vegetarianism, loving animals to spreading benevolence to all animals, plants in the universe. And beyond government policies, I hope many people will practice this teaching as well.

VOICE: We salute all those making the personal choice to switch to an animal-free diet. Our gratitude goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her dedication in reaching out to many people, as through this seminar, with loving reminders for us to walk the way of compassion. May more and more people adopt vegetarianism, meaning an animal free diet, to bring abundant love and redemption upon our planet, with Heaven’s grace.

Please tune in to Words of Wisdom on Friday, May 30, 2008 for a re-broadcast of the SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming with subtitles, here on Supreme Master Television.

Climate change brings more extreme weather to Chile.

Heavy rains flooded Chile this past weekend just months after a drought saw the country’s wells dry up and emergency drinking water had to be distributed by the government. Flooding in the central valley region is now some of the worst seen in decades, displacing 15,000 people and shutting down the world's largest copper mine. Scientists have noted that extreme weather events such as Chile’s droughts and flooding are related to climate change, which often disproportionately affects those countries that have produced few green house gases.

We send our prayers for a rapid recovery to the people of Chile and urge governments and citizens for measures to protect the equilibrium of the climate.

California counties ration water.

As part of an emergency plan to save water resources, residents in Contra Costa and Alameda counties, located near San Francisco California, USA will be required to reduce water consumption by 20%. The rationing went into effect after a two-year drought and the driest spring in history have left water levels at record lows.

Many thanks, California governments, for these measures to preserve water resources for all. We pray that California will receive the blessing of gentle rainfall as we all work toward saving our planet from the effects of climate change.

Rising sea-levels will have a dramatic effect on US coastal habitat.

A new report by the National Wildlife Federation depicts the likely effect of climate change induced sea level rise in the US east coast Chesapeake Bay area. As the largest estuary in the United States, the Chesapeake Bay is an important ecological site that provides a home to over 3,600 species of animals and plants, including migratory birds and rare species such as sea turtles. Effects if the waters continue to rise include loss of approximately 60 percent of the beaches and estuaries and over 160,000 acres of open land. This would greatly affect the wildlife as well.
We appreciate the importance of this report and pray that it will help speed the actions taken to address global warming. May the ecological balance of our marine habitats be restored for the safety of all life.

UN climate change official said 2050 climate goals is not enough.

United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, Yvo de Boer, has recommended that the G8 group of industrialized nations set shorter-term goals than 2050 for reducing greenhouse gases. He stated, “We are at a stage where we really need to see leadership from the G8.  My hope for the G8 is that it does not just discuss 2050 but tries to come up with intermediate ranges.” 
Many thanks Secretariat Yvo de Boer for your clearly stated concerns regarding the need for faster change to address global warming. We join your call for shorter term goals to benefit all Earth’s inhabitants.