Has Climate Already Passed Dangerous Point? - News 22 Mar 2008  
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Has Climate Already Passed Dangerous Point?

NASA scientist calls for CO2 reduction to avoid ecological catastrophe. In a recently written paper, Dr. James Hansen and eight other co-authors state that the carbon dioxide emissions from our Earth are already beyond a tipping point. The paper states, “Today’s CO2http://suprememastertv.tv. is already too high to maintain the climate to which humanity, wildlife, and the rest of the biosphere are adapted.” The authors suggest measures such as economic incentives and eliminating coal as ways to more quickly reduce carbon emissions. Dr. Hansen said, “The greatest danger is continued ignorance and denial, which could make tragic consequences unavoidable.” Our appreciation, Dr. Hansen and colleagues, for your forthright assessment of the Earth’s delicate balance. We pray that people around the world heed your recommendations and act now to save our precious biosphere.
Scholars Predict 50 Million Environmental Refugees by 2010

Scholars say to prepare for growing number of environmental refugees. In two years, 50 million people worldwide may be displaced by environmental disasters, according to Policy Director Andrew Simms, of the New Economics Foundation in the United Kingdom. Mr. Simms affirmed that these people must be given refugee status under international law. Professor Janos Bogardi of the United Nation’s University’s Institute for Environment and Human Security stated, “The number of people fleeing untenable environmental conditions may grow exponentially as the world experiences the effects of climate change.” Many thanks, Director Simms, Professor Bogardi, and all other scientists working to understand the very serious effects of climate change. May Heaven bless all governments with the wisdom to take immediate and decisive action to safeguard the well-being of people and our planet.

USDA to enroll land in

US government subsidizes eco-friendly farm management practices. Farmers whose land is in 51 watershed areas across the country will be eligible for the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Conservation Security Program. The program pays farmers for their good stewardship of the land, demonstrated through practices to prevent erosion, soil depletion, and water pollution. We are grateful, USDA, for your reward of these environmentally beneficial farming practices. With Heaven’s grace, may agricultural methods everywhere consider the health of all life in our precious ecosystems.

British PM: Climate Change a Top Threat

Britain updates security goals to address climate change. While announcing a new national security plan, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown included climate change among the risks that could jeopardize peace in the country. A government report stated, “Climate change is potentially the greatest challenge to global stability and security.” The new plan calls for protections against flooding from rising seas and the possibility of pandemic diseases. We are grateful Your Excellency and the United Kingdom for your forward thinking preparedness to ensure the public’s safety. May the Providence guide your leadership in continuing to safeguard the well-being of both humans and animal co-inhabitants.

Automative X Prize will offer $10m for fuel-efficient vehicle

Best “green car” will win US$10 million. The X Prize Foundation, an established US non-profit that rewards innovation, is now launching a contest for the best design for a fuel efficient car. The competing cars must have a 100 mpg fuel rating and meet minimum speed requirements. They also will go through road testing and must be ready to be manufactured and marketed. X Prize Foundation Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Peter Diamandis, said, “This is a race for the future; it is a race we must win." Our gracious thanks, X Prize Foundation, for providing this great encouragement to build green vehicles. Good luck, participants, with your innovative, Earth-saving inspirations.
Reducing Carbon Emissions Could Help -- Not Harm -- US Economy

Yale professor shows that green measures can help the US economy. Professor Robert Repetto of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies has created an interactive website that synthesizes 25 different models of the possible effects that reduced CO2 emissions can have on the US economy. Professor Repetto said, “The website shows that even under the most unfavorable assumptions regarding costs, the U.S. economy is predicted to continue growing robustly as carbon emissions are reduced.” You can visit the website at: www.climate.yale.edu/seeforyourself. Dr. Repetto, many thanks for putting together a website that allows others to find out for themselves the economic benefits of going green. Blessed be our world with carbon neutral and economically flourishing societies.
Tropical glaciers slowly vanish

Latin American rivers dry up as glaciers melt. Glaciers have been melting in the Latin American countries of Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru, causing the gradual drying of the countries’ rivers. Peru, where 70% of the glaciers reside, faces the greatest changes. Last year, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that rising temperatures will melt Latin American glaciers entirely within a maximum of 15 years. We pray that nations in Latin America and around the world will make lifestyle and policy changes to reverse global warming. May God bless all people to change for the benefit of the environment and the preservation of life.

Global warming: South Asia to feel the heat

South Asia to strongly feel effects of rising temperatures. At a recent seminar on links between climate change and biodiversity, Dr. N.H. Ravindranath of the Indian Institute of Science along with other experts projected that a temperature increase of 2 to 5 degrees Celsius would cause plant and crop loss. This will also cause more droughts and flooding of large-scale vegetation and the homes of five billion humans throughout South Asia. The seminar called for the pooling of the region’s technologies to address the problems immediately. We are grateful, researchers, for your concerned outlook for South Asia. We pray for your important findings and advice to bring about quick government actions to maintain the equilibrium of our planet.

India should take lead role in climate change crisis: Blair

Former British prime minister Tony Blair asks India to become a global leader in addressing climate change. Speaking in New Delhi at the launch of a global warming forum, Mr. Blair expressed his hope that both developed and developing nations will sign an international climate accord in the next few months. He also highlighted India’s opportunity to take a leadership role. You have our gratitude and appreciation for the work you and the Climate Group are taking on, Mr. Blair. May the international community join together to succeed in these significant endeavors.
New! Water vapor, N02 chemical reaction form smog

New discovery on the formation of smog. Chemists at the University of California, San Diego, USA have found that the chemical reaction between nitrogen dioxide and water vapor is actually a major factor in the creation of smog. Dr. Amitabha Sinha, UC San Diego professor of chemistry and biochemistry, stated, “With improved knowledge of how ozone is produced, we should be in a better position to control the air quality of large urban areas across the United States as well as around the world.” Our accolades and appreciation, Dr. Amitabha Sinha and all scientists involved, for your diligence in attaining a better understanding of our environment. May your praiseworthy endeavors help to keep our biosphere healthy and sustainable.
State AG Issues Global Warming Challenge

California Attorney General calls upon Bay Area to become a leader in addressing climate change. While meeting with 200 elected officials, planners, environmentalists and others in the San Francisco Bay Area, Attorney General Jerry Brown urged the creation of a comprehensive approach to reduce emissions. He said to the group: “Grasp the seriousness of the challenge and then start taking steps to do something about it.” We salute you, Attorney General Jerry Brown and California, for your leading by example! We are encouraged by California’s approach to bringing together all levels of government, environmentalists and businesses in working to reduce the effects of climate change.
Encinitas teen recognized as 'Climate Change Champion'

Climate Change Champion to represent state in the UK and Japan. California, USA’s Rebecca Chan is a 16-year-old whose interest in the environment was recently rewarded with the state title of Climate Change Champion. She and two other California awardees will be traveling to London where they will meet with youths from 12 other countries to develop a platform on climate change. They will then present their plan to a group of environmental ministers at a meeting this summer in Kobe, Japan. Kudos, young Rebecca Chan, for your loving dedication towards saving our Earth. We send our best wishes to you and all other youths for a wonderful outcome in your upcoming meetings. With eco-friends such as you, our planet’s green future will be bright indeed!
State lawmakers endorse global warming initiative

New global warming measure for New Hampshire, USA. A bill called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has been passed by the state’s House of Representatives and is being voted by the Senate. Upon its passage, New Hampshire will join a total of ten states that already have the Greenhouse Gas Initiative in place, which provides limits, or caps, for carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel power plants. Other allowances to reduce emissions are also being considered, such as capturing methane at landfills as well as planting trees. A round of applause, New Hampshire and all US states, for making the effort to preserve the environment. May your green initiatives be rewarded with eco-harmony for our Earth.
Fight climate change by turning roof green

Companies installing rainwater collection systems and green roofs see rapid business expansion. As climate change brings both flooding and drought, many companies, governments and individuals in Europe and North America are installing roof gardens along with rainwater collection systems. Green roofs reduce flooding and cool the surrounding air by 3 to 11 degrees Celsius, while rainwater collection can replace 50% of home water needs and 80% of commercial water needs. What a wonderful eco-friendly idea! We give our sincere gratitude for these natural ways to green the planet.
$33m for household solar hot water

Victoria, Australia offers incentives to switch to solar water heating. A US$33 million fund is being set aside that will be given as rebates to households that change from electric or gas hot water units to solar-powered systems. Residents can receive up to $2500 to help with the cost of this switch, which makes the price of the solar unit less than typical electric or gas systems. Through the unit’s energy efficiency, costs to operate will also be minimized. Hooray, Victoria, for your support and encouragement of this great sustainable energy resource! May all homes in Victoria be warmed by the green power of the all-giving sun.
Church Gives Back to Environment for Lent

Church goes on carbon fast for Lent. Members of the United Church of Chapel Hill in North Carolina, USA decided to serve God by saving the Earth for Lent. They reduced about 25% of their energy use by decreasing carbon emissions in different ways every week. Pastor Richard Edens said, “God has given us stewardship over the earth; that’s the very first commandment we were given, and I think it’s our opportunity to see it’s not about stewardship to exploit, but a stewardship to honor.” We thank you, United Church of Chapel Hill, for your sincerity, creativity, and understanding that our planetary abode needs to be treated respectfully with our tender loving care. May your noble efforts to honor God’s will be ever fruitful.