Hawaii congressman speaks out about the vegetarian (vegan) solution. - News 17 Apr 2008  
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Hawaii congressman speaks out about the vegetarian (vegan) solution.

The US state of Hawaii’s Representative Joe Bertram III is known for his eco-friendly initiatives for open spaces, bicycle paths and coastal management, as well as policies that promote public health and the environment. Most recently, he helped pass a resolution to ensure nutritionally sound menu plans for public schools, which include vegetarian and vegan meals. The congressman believes that vegetarian (vegan) diets will solve two serious problems faced by his community: obesity and global warming.

The Honorable Joe Bertram of the Hawaiian Congress, who is a vegetarian himself, shares his thoughts with Supreme Master Television correspondents in Hawaii as to why diet is the key to a multilateral climate change solution.

Joe Bertram III -Member of Hawaii State House of Representatives(Vegetarian)

We have heard you talk about the vegetarian (vegan) solution concerning global warming. What is the link, the connection, between diet and global warming?
Hawaii state legislator Representative Joe Bertram: First of all, there’re several gases that are very dangerous and one is methane. And methane, of course, is put out by cows and cows put it out at both ends, and there’re a lot of cows out there doing this. So they’ve estimated that methane makes up about 25% of the total amount of the greenhouse gases that are released. The problem is it’s up to 30 to 50 times as powerful as the other greenhouse gases. So it’s a lot more dangerous.

The transportation of meat all across the country and the world also bears a heavy toll on the environment. Not only that, as Mr. Bertram notes, the meat industry is a leading cause of deforestation.

Hawaii state legislator Representative Joe Bertram: They are taking down the forests and eliminating the trees that are actually going to be able to take these greenhouse gases. We need those trees in place. So the vegetarian (vegan) thing really addresses all of these issues.

For being at the forefront of promoting a plant-based diet in public policy, we send our many thanks, Hawaii State Representative Joe Bertram. May your voice soon be joined by many other legislators and governments in promoting the best, most cost-effective and comprehensive plan of action, which is the vegetarian (vegan) solution to climate change.

Please stay tuned for our full-length interview with Congressman Joe Bertram on Supreme Master Television’s Healthy Living program, this coming Monday, April 21.

Mountain ranges to become diminished water resource in future.

According to a new study by Switzerland’s University of Berne, people are becoming more dependent on mountains as a source of water, due to climate change making many low lands drier. However, the effects of global warming are also changing the snow melt such that there is now less water available from the mountains than in times past. These factors in turn are causing difficulties for farmers who are dependent on the water sources for growing food.
Our heartfelt thanks, University of Berne scientists, for calling our attention to the vital importance of our water resources. May your message encourage us all toward sustainable actions to save our earthly abode.