Unsustainable water use depleting the world's major aquifers - 2 Jan 2012  
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Unsustainable water use depleting the world's major aquifers.
A decade-long research project shared by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Germany's Aerospace that has monitored underground water sources via satellite has revealed significant drops in the levels of the world's largest aquifers.

Some of the most pronounced losses are being seen in the western USA, India, the Middle East and China. These findings indicate that the combined factors of climate change and pumping for uses such as agriculture are causing water to be used at a rate faster than it can be replenished.

Warning of the unsustainable future faced by humanity if such a process continues, US Geological Survey hydro-geologist Leonard Konikow stated, "Something will have to change."

With grave concern about this unsettling trend, we thank the researchers for your work in sharing this urgent information. May we all act to conserve precious resources in the best ways possible to sustain global food security and lives on the planet.

During an August 2011 videoconference in Chicago, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the serious need to wisely use Earth’s limited water supplies.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : You must have witnessed firsthand, while traveling, what life is like for people who don’t have enough safe water to drink, to apply to their crops, or even to keep themselves clean and not sick, for their children even. Children are even more vulnerable, more sensitive, to the unhygienic environment and unclean water. But most of the water is to grow the grains and soya beans, again, to feed the animals, not humans.

The livestock industry is becoming a bigger and bigger threat to our water supplies, which scientists warn are shrinking worldwide, fast, due to climate change. Also what causes climate change? Animal industry as well. So we arein a devil’s cycle here.

So, while this staggering waste of water, of both water and food, is occurring, one billion people in our world lack access to safe drinking water and go hungry.

Such tragedies could be minimized or even averted if everyone became vegan, because the vegan diet saves nearly 70% of our precious water resources. 70%.


Extra News
In December 2011 interviews with various media, Dr. Igor Semiletov of the International Arctic Research Center in Alaska, USA revealed recent research findings of forceful and unprecedented methane plumes being released from the Arctic seabed floor, which suggest that the true scale of danger for runaway global warming is
much higher than previously understood.


Published on December 29, 2011 by US-based TechMedia Network, satellite images of lakes and reservoirs in Texas, USA, reveal shorelines that have receded up to a mile in some places as the driest 12 months on record are now threatening water supplies.
