Supreme Master Ching Hai Freedom Quote #1   
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Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff
“Breatharianism, God Quality, and Ways a Master Helps Humanity”
Los Angeles, California, USA – February 9, 2011

Whatever freedom they ask for, they should have it, because humans deserve freedom: freedom of speech, freedom to travel, freedom of religious practice, freedom of saying what they want and choosing whomever they like to govern their own country; basic human freedom.
For that, I also gave a lot of zillions of spiritual points, and I hope it works.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : That is hundreds of thousands of zillions of zillions of zillions of zillions of zillions of zillions.

Without freedom, people cannot breathe; without freedom, people cannot have dignity. Without freedom people cannot develop their potentials and thus, they cannot serve the family or their country, and, lastly, the world to the fullest of their capacity.

So freedom is very essential to humans’ evolution, to the wellness of the world, to peace on our planet. That's their birthright to have freedom, because they are children of God.

And they're right to demand it if they don't have.

칭하이 무상사 초청 기후변화 컨퍼런스
칭하이 무상사의 환경에 대한 말씀
수프림 마스터 TV 직원들과 칭하이 무상사와의 화상회의
2008 ~ 2009년 국제 모임에서의 강연
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