Ruler bans hunting of wildlife - 5 Mar 2010  
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Sultan of Johor, Malaysia bans hunting. His Majesty, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almar-hum Sultan Iskandar, of Johor, Malaysia has forbidden hunting wildlife including tigers, bears, deer, mousedeer, tapir and porcupines. Regarding the mythical belief of tiger killing practices, he stated, “The poaching of these animals is so cruel. Eating one tiger claw will not make you have tiger strength for months.” In the hope of being able to protect such species and prevent them from becoming extinct, His Majesty has also initiated rehabilitation programs for tigers, panthers and deer to be raised and released into the wild.

Our sincere appreciation, Your Majesty, for your loving leadership in protecting the wildlife. With Allah’s grace, may Johor continue to flourish in beauty and abundant diversity.
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