*후루티 투티 셔벗, *민트 콩 셔벗   
이 비디오를 개인 홈페이지나 블로그에 게시하시려면 다음 버튼을 눌러 동영상 소스를 복사하세요.  동영상 소스 복사  프린트
( 98 MB )
Blueberries & Grapes Sorbet
Syrup (optional)
Whipped cream (optional)

Orange Banana Sorbet
1 orange
1 banana
1/4 mug of soymilk
½ tablespoon brown
sugar (optional)

Fruity Tutti Sorbet
2 kiwis
Honey melon (cantaloupe)
Cherries (optional)
Sweetener (optional)

Watermelon Sorbet
1 slice of watermelon
½ teacup of water
any seasonal fruits,
including strawberries,
blackberries, raspberries

1 mug of soymilk
3 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 handful of peppermint
Blueberries & Grapes Sorbet
  1. Cut the grapes into very small pieces, as fine as possible for chunky texture, or if there is a blender put the fruit into the blender for smoother texture.
  2. For the blueberries, no need to chop them because they are already small.
  3. Mix all the fruit.
  4. Add a little bit of sugar according to preference.
  5. Put the whipped cream on top.
  6. Mix them well and put it in the deep freeze for about two hours.
Orange Banana Sorbet
  1. Shell the banana and the orange and put them in a blender.
  2. Add in a bit of soymilk and a little sugar in it. Blend them for about 2 seconds.
  3. Pour them into a container and put them into the freezer.
Fruity Tutti Sorbet
  1. Cut the pear into bite size.
  2. Take two ripe and sweet kiwis and shell them.
  3. Chop some of the apples too.
  4. Put them in a bowl.
  5. Add some pieces of melon too for color.
  6. For smoother sorbet, jut put them all in a blender. For chunky sorbet, just chop them into small pieces.
  7. Put the in the deep freeze for about two hours for nice and soft texture.
Watermelon Sorbet
  1. Cut one piece of melon.
  2. Take the skin off.
  3. Chop it into small pieces or just put them into a blender.
  4. Add half a cup of water and one tablespoon of sweetener. Blend.
  5. Put the in the deep freeze for about two hours for nice and soft texture.
Mint & Soya Sorbet
  1. Put 1 cup of soya milk into the blender.
  2. Add in 3 tablespoon of sugar or brown sugar and a handful of peppermint already washed in salty water.
  3. Blend it and then pour them into a container and put it in the fridge for about two hours.

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