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기온이 계속해서  상승함에 따라  빙하가 해빙되어  상승하는 해수면  아래로 섬들이  사라지고 있습니다.

아킴 스테이너 - 유엔 사무차장, 유엔 환경 계획 상임이사 - 실제로 이미 많은 섬나라들이  종국을 맞았거나 사라질 위기에 처해 있습니다.  지금 조취를 취해야 함은  논란의 여지가 없습니다.  게다가, 이것은 기후변화의 가시적 효과의 시작에 불과합니다. 보이지 않는 작은 부분들도 우리가 알지 못하는 동안 우리 주변에서  진행되고 있습니다. 

기후 난민:

2007년 2천3백만여 명 주거지 상실

도서 국가, 키리바티의 대통령:
마을 전체가  이주해야 했습니다. 수십 년 아니 수백 년 동안 있었던  마을들을 이주해야 했습니다. 수십 년간 살아왔던  마을이 이제 그곳에 존재하지 않습니다. 수몰되어 버렸습니다. 

전세계의  최소 18개 섬들이  수몰되었습니다:
• 인도,오하차라 - 10,000명 거주
• 인도 근해 베드포드, 카바스카디, 수파리바가섬 - 6,000 가구 거주
• 미국 마리랜드  체서피크만의 13개 섬
• 키리바티 산호섬 3개
• 방글라데시 브홀라 섬 절반 수몰 - 500,000 명 거주 

폴 토바시 – 카터렛 섬 정부 대표인 – 떠나고 싶어 떠나는 것이 아닙니다.  상황 때문에  어쩔 수 없이 떠나는 겁니다.

수몰된 섬들 또는 해수면 상승으로 위험에 처한 섬들 (40여 개국) :

투발루 – 거주민 12,000 명, 신선한 식수가 없으며 농작물들은 모두 쓸려 내려갔음

인도 근해의 고라마라 –2006년 섬의  2/3 수몰,  거주민 7,000 이주

사가 근해의 섬 – 거주민 250,000 명 이주

인도-방글라데시  순다르반스의  섬 50여개  - 거주민 2백만명이 위험에 처해있음

방글라데시 남동부  쿠투브디아 - 거주민 200,000명 이주, 150,000명은  이주 준비 중

몰디브 – 거주민 369,000여 명이  현재 자국을 떠나길   원하고 있음

마샬 제도 섬들 – 거주민 60,000여명

키리바티– 거주민107,800 여명, 근해 섬 30여 개 수몰 중

통가 – 거주민116900여명

바누아투– 거주민 212,000여명, 주민 일부 이주,해안가 마을 이주함 

솔로몬 제도 섬들 – 거주민 566,800여명

파푸아 뉴기니아의 카터렛 섬들 –거주민  2,500, 농작물 생산 중단됨  

미국 알라스카주, 쉬쉬마레핀  – 거주민 600 여명

미국알라스카주, 키발리니 – 거주민 400 여명

인도네시아의  섬 2,000천여 개 

두바이 – 거주민 120 여명,심각한  위기에 처해있음   

이 밖에도 기후변화로 인해, 거주민이 없거나  보고되지 않은 많은  섬들이 이미 잠겼거나  잠기고 있다.

도서 국가 키리바티 대통령:
우리는 돌아올 수 없을 지도 모릅니다. 우리의 작고 낮은 섬은 이제 물에 잠기게 됩니다. 이것은 인류 생존의  문제입니다. 세계 공동체들이, 여러 나라들이 탄소배출을 지금 처럼 계속한다면,  다음차례는 그들이 될 것입니다.

수프림 마스터 텔레비전과 칭하이 무상사 화상회의
미국, 캘리포니아주, 로스앤젤레스 – 2008년 7월 31일

칭하이 무상사:  과학자들은 한번이 아닌  많은 재난이 있을 수 있다고 말합니다. 해수면 상승만이 걱정거리가 아니라, 재난도 생깁니다. 어떤 곳에선 이미  일어나고 있습니다. 

사람들이  모든 생명을 존중하는 더 자비로운  생활방식으로 바꾼다면  우리는 생명을 낳고  계속 살아갈 수 있을 겁니다. 자연은 균형을 회복하고 모든 피해를 복구할 것 입니다. 생전에 그 날을 곧 오길 바랍니다.

채식인이 되어, 환경을 보호하여, 지구를 구합시다 !
사람들이 더 많이 채식에 참여할수록 지구를 구할 확률은 더 높아집니다 !

참조 (반올림 전의 수치)

몰디브 – 거주민 369,031 명 

마샬 제도 섬들 – 거주민60,000 명

키리바티 – 거주민107,817 명, 근해 섬  30여 개 수몰 중

통가 – 거주민116,921명

바누아투 –거주민 211,971 명, 주민 일부 이주,해안가 마을 이주함

솔로몬 제도 섬들 – 거주민 566,842 명

파푸아 뉴기니아의 카터렛 섬들 – 거주민 2,500 명

미국 알라스카주, 쉬쉬마레핀 – 거주민 600 명

미국알라스카주, 키발리니 – 거주민 400 명

인도네시아의  섬 2,000천여 개 (거주민수 미파악)

두바이 – 거주민 1,241,000 명, 심각한  위기에 처해있음  

As the climate continues to warm, entire islands are sinking below rising waters caused from melting glaciers.

Mr. Achim Steiner - United Nation’s Under Secretary General & UN Environment Programme Executive Director - Indeed there are many island nations who are doomed already now, condemned if you want to disappear. Therefore there is no question that we have to act. And that is just the beginning of the visible impact of climate change. The invisible part, the bits that we have not necessarily understood that are happening around us are also on their way.


25 million people uprooted in 2007

President Tong of the Island Nation of Kiribati:
We have whole communities, having to be relocated, villages which have been there over a decade maybe the century and now they have to be relocated, and where they’ve being living for the last few decades is no longer there. It has been eroded.

• Lohachara, India – 10,000 residents
• Bedford, Kabasgadi and Suparibhanga islands near India – 6,000 families
• Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, USA – 13 islands
• Kiribati – 3 atolls
• Half of Bangladesh’s Bhola Island permanently flooded – 500,000

Paul Tobasi – Government Representative of the Carteret Islands – It’s not their wish to go, but because of the situation; it’s forcing them to move.


Tuvalu – 12,000 residents with no more fresh drinking water and vegetable plots have washed away 

Ghoramara near India – 2/3 submerged as of 2006 with 7,000 residents already relocated

Neighboring island of Sagar – 250,000 residents also threatened

Some 50 other islands jeopardized in the India-Bangladesh Sundarbans, with a population of 2 million

Kutubdia in southeastern Bangladesh lost over 200,000 residents, with remaining 150,000 likely soon to depart

Maldives – 369,000 residents in the Indian Ocean, whose president wants to relocate the entire country

Marshall Islands – 60,000 residents

Kiribati – 107,800 residents, approximately 30 islands submerging

Tonga – 116,900 residents

Vanuatu – 212,000 residents, some of whom have already been evacuated and coastal villages relocated

Solomon Islands – 566,800 residents

Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea – 2,500 residents whose land no longer supports agriculture

Shishmaref in Alaska, USA – 600 residents

Kivalini in Alaska, USA – 400 residents

Over 2,000 other islands in Indonesia

Dubai – 1.2 million residents in the United Arab Emirates considered at risk

There may be more islands, either uninhabited and/or not reported, that have submerged or are sinking due to climate change.

President Tong of the Island Nation of Kiribati:
We may be at the point of no return; our small low lying island will be submerged.
It’s an issue of human survival.If the world community, the different countries don’t kick the Carbon habits, there will be other countries next on the line.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television
Los Angeles, California, USA – July 31, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai : According to the scientists, there could be more than just one disaster. Rising sea level is not the only worrying event, disease will also rise. They already do so in some parts of the world.

Unless people change to a more benevolent lifestyle that is respecting all lives, then we will beget life and our lives be spared. And nature will restore the balance and repair all damages. I wish to see that day soon, in my lifetime.
The more vegetarian people join the circle, the more chance we have to save the planet.

REFERENCE (original numbers before rounding)

Maldives – 369,031 residents, southwest of India

Marshall Islands – 60,000 residents

Kiribati – 107,817 residents, approximately 30 islands submerging

Tonga – 116,921 residents

Vanuatu – 211,971 residents, some of whom have already been evacuated

Solomon Islands – 566,842 residents

Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea – 2,500 residents

Shishmaref in Alaska, USA – 600 residents

Kivalini in Alaska, USA – 400 residents

Over 2,000 other islands in Indonesia (population not known)

Dubai – 1,241,000 residents in the United Arab Emirates considered at risk

Rajendra Pachauri : There is a grim outcome that the world would have to face, in terms of sea level rise due to thermal expansion alone, and our estimate of this level of increasing sea (level) is 0.4 to 1.4 meters due to thermal expansion alone, and if you add to this the amount of water that would be released and would add to sea level rise on the account of melting of the ice bodies then we already committed the world to a threat, which is going to affect a large number of small island states, low line coast areas across the world that clearly, gives us an absolute warning that we have no time to lose at all and we have to ensure that we start reducing emission of green house gases, as quickly as possible.

President Tong of Kiribati:
I take every opportunity to express our position to explain our situation, as the minister has explained the Kiribati is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Along with our other pacific island relations, of a similar geographical structure and also other countries in other different oceans in another parts of the world which have the same structure that we have.
The Kiribati’s highest point in our Island is about average is about 2 meters above sea level.

I think we are, we might be beyond redemption, we may be at the point of no return, where the emission in the atmosphere will carry on with the momentum, will carry on to contribute to climate change, to sea level rise to the extend that in time, our small low lying island will be submerged. Because one has to feel the reality of the situation, and in order to feel the reality of the situation you have got to be there when the tides are coming over, and your are running around chasing your house goods, because the cases are floating all around, and you are trying to chase them after the waves have come. We have a whole communities, having to be relocated, villages which have been there over a decade maybe the century, and now they have to be relocated, where they’ve being living for the last few decades is no longer there.
It has been eroded. According to the scenarios, the worst possible case scenario, Kiribati will be submerged, within the century. It’s not an issue of economic growth; it’s an issue of human survival. And I think this is the point, it’s about human survival. For some at this point in time. If the world community, the different countries don’t kick the Carbon habits, there will be other countries next on the line, we would have been long gone, but I think the next countries will be next on the line.

Mr Achim Steiner (United Nation’s Under Secretary General & UN Environment Programme Executive Director):
Therefore there is no question that we have to act, and yes maybe there are many countries who will not immediately face the prospects of Kiribati, but indeed there are many island nations who are doomed already now, condemned if you want by the end of this century, to disappear. And that is just the beginning of the visible impact of climate change. The invisible part, the bits that we have not necessarily understood that are happening around us are also on their way.

Paul Tobasi – Government Representative of the Carteret Islands – It’s not their wish to go, but because the situation; it’s forcing them to move. Because today, there is also literally no food people can rely on. I think that is why most people around here are willing to go; to accept the resettlement.


Louise (F): Wonderful. And we’re going to load up those websites, links to those websites of our own because I think that’s incredibly interesting and important. Supreme Master, we move on to environmental refugees. A recent report by the Aid Agency Tearfund, estimated there are currently 25 million environmental refugees, which is more than 22 million officially recognized political and economic refugees.

And according to Dr. Janos Bogardi, Director of the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University in Bonn, environmental deterioration currently displaces up to 10 million people per year. And there are expected to be 50 million environmental refugees by 2010. However, international conventions do not recognize environmental refugees unless such they do not have the same rights to financial and material support. What can we do to help the environmental refugees?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : What can we do? They are refugees definitely. Ur. Because if we don’t have global warming then no one would be a climate refugee, would they? So no one would like to be a refugee in this case. So now, first we can help them to get back on their feet. The one who has meaning… mean and power, yes. We must consider their refugee status, legally, because they are refugees by all means. And by stopping global warming, we can help reduce this refugee issue.




POZNAN, Poland, Dec 8 (Reuters) - The impact of climate change could uproot around six million people each year, half of them because of weather disasters like floods and storms, a top U.N. official said on Monday.

The U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) was making plans based on conservative estimates that global warming would force between 200 million and 250 million people from their homes by mid-century, said L. Craig Johnstone, the U.N. Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees.

Johnstone said relief agencies would need to aid almost three million people a year displaced by sudden disasters.

Another three million would likely migrate due to gradual changes like rising sea levels, and be more able to plan.

UNHCR statistics show 67 million people were uprooted around the world at the end of 2007, 25 million of them because of natural disasters.



Speaking on the sidelines of the Dec 1-12 summit of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Warner said 24 million people around the world had become climate refugees already, according to an estimate made by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.


Lohachara, India, home to some 10,000 people and one of the 102 Sundarban Islands, sank beneath the surface of the Bay of Bengal in 2006, & only 54 of the remaining 102 islands in the Sundarbans, home to 70,000 people, still remain hospitable. http://www.oceana.org/climate/impacts/rising-seas/
13 islands in the Chesapeake bay, Maryland, USA have already disappeared with threat of more to come. http://www.nwf.org/sealevelrise/chesapeake.cfm

Tuvalu (prediction it will be submerged in 50 years) The New Zealand government is already gradually taking in a quota of Tuvaluans each year and has assured Tuvalu that her 10,800 residents can find a home in New Zealand. http://www.world-mysteries.com/newgw/sci_globalw2.htm, http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/03/asia/pacific.php

Cook Islands http://www.world-mysteries.com/newgw/sci_globalw2.htm

Marshall Islands (where Majuro, one of the Marshall Islands has lost 20 % of its sea front) http://www.world-mysteries.com/newgw/sci_globalw2.htm
Kirbati http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/03/asia/pacific.php
Vanuatu http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/03/asia/pacific.php
Fiji http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/03/asia/pacific.php
Solomon Islands http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/03/asia/pacific.php
Carteret Islands of Papua New Guinea (many parts are already uninhabitable) http://www.monstersandcritics.com/science/nature/news/article_1251942.php/_South_Pacific_island-nations_endangered_by_rising_sea_levels
Ghoramara (7,000 residents have already been forced to leave as half of the island has been lost to the sea since 1978, and the biggest of the Ghoramara Islands, Sagar, which had been home to refugees from other islands, is at risk of being lost to the sea in 15 years. http://portal.campaigncc.org/node/2261
Indonesia is making plans for relocating people living on islands in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua, where the government expects about 2,000 islands to sink by 2030 or 2040. http://current.com/items/89477012/mass_relocation_planned_for_indonesian

40 Pacific Islands, part of the Alliance of Small Island States, at risk. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/12/13/1071125715575.html
A three foot increase in sea levels would put South Padre Island, Texas, USA under water, with much of Galveston Island uninhabitable. http://www.txnp.org/articles/articles.asp?ArticleID=4733
Shishmaref, an island inhabited by indigenous Alaskans in the US are at risk of losing their home of the last 4,000 years. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/08/22/eveningnews/main1926055.shtml

Dubai at risk of being under water in 50 years http://www.arabianbusiness.com/504296

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