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“If you contemplate God long enough, something surprising happens in the brain. Neural functioning begins to change.”

—Dr. Andrew Newburg, Director of Center for Spirituality & Neurosciences, University of Pennsylvania, USA

“Meditators move activity in their brains away from the stress-prone right frontal cortex to the calmer left frontal cortex. This decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. There is also less activity in the amygdala, where the brain processes fear.”

—Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., Neuroscientist, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA

"Not only is meditation an absolutely marvelous de-stressor, it helps people better relate to one another. "

—Diana Adile Kirschner, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Pennsylvania, USA

“…Meditation could help treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, major depression and other disorders marked by distracting thoughts.”

—Dr. Giuseppe Pagnoni, Neuroscientist, Emory University, Georgia, USA

“[Meditation] is  a lifelong gift. It's something you can call on at any time.”

—Sir Paul McCartney, legendary British singer/songwriter and former Beatles member, Meat-free advocate

For more information, please visit www.GodsDirectContact.org

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