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We join the whole world : in deep gratitude to thank the following and other magnanimous nations and their people for making a better world for countless lives.
May God bless you all with manifold prosperity and happiness in return.


Top Foreign Aid Donors

  1. United States US $27.62 billion
  2. Japan US $13.15 billion
  3. United Kingdom US $10.77 billion
  4. Germany US $10.08 billion
  5. France US $10.03 billion
  6. Netherlands US $5.12 billion
  7. Italy US $5.09 billion
  8. Canada US $3.76 billion
  9. Sweden US $3.36 billion
  10. Spain US $3.02 billion

Top Foreign Aid Donors based on Percentage of Gross National Income (GNI)

  1. Norway: 0.94%
  2. Sweden: 0.94%
  3. Luxemboug: 0.82%
  4. Netherlands: 0.82%
  5. Denmark: 0.81%
  6. Belgium: 0.53%
  7. Austria: 0.52%
  8. France: 0.47%
  9. United Kingdom: 0.47%
  10. Finland: 0.47%
(Source: Index of Global Philanthropy 2007)

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