ルーミーの聖堂:メヴラーナ博物館 トルコ、コンヤ(トルコ語)   

Also known as the Green Mausoleum or Green Dome, the Mevlana Museum
in Konya, Turkey is the shrine of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, a Sufi mystic and poet
widely known as Mevlana or Rumi.
Mevlana’s poetry composed in Persian is celebrated worldwide for their beauty
and deep spirituality. This museum was also a dervish (Sufi practitioner) lodge of the Mevlevi order.
Mevlana (Rumi) inspired the founding of the Mevlevi order of dervishes, or
the Whirling Dervishes, named so because of their ceremony called Sema, in which they
remember Allah through whirling movements.(In Turkish)

Nuh Ateşöz (m):
Mevlana Museum, with its blue dome, is a site across from Mount Aleaddin
encircled by mosques and sepulchers. Every year, thousands of people,
regardless of what day it is, come to visit him to get something, to get inspiration
to try to learn the mysteries of humanity.Today, Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi
is a light of hope in this pessimistic world not only for Muslims but for all humanity.
When you enter, to the right of the door, you see the sepulchers on a platform.
It is said that in he sepulchers, Mevlana’s children’s grandchildren and his father rest.

 私達の世界 ルーミーの聖堂:メヴラーナ博物館 トルコ、コンヤ(トルコ語)
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