ストップ動物虐待 鶏の取り扱い - 動物への慈悲制作の 受賞作 ドキュメンタリー第一部/3   
Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

( 47 MB )

The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about animal cruelty.

HOST: Benevolent viewers, today on Stop Animal Cruelty we bring you excerpts from the award-winning documentary Fowl Play, directed by Adam Durand and produced by Mercy for Animals, a US-based non-profit animal advocacy organization. The film, which will be presented in three parts, exposes the utterly inhumane treatment of hens by the egg industry.

In April 2009, Fowl Play won the Best Documentary Short category at the Fallbrook Film Festival in California, USA and deservedly so. The film leaves a deep impression on all viewers as it shows how merciless farming practices mean a profoundly nightmarish existence for chickens.

For more details on Fowl Play please visit www.FowlPlayMovie.com
The Fowl Play DVD is available at the same website.

ストップ動物虐待 フォアグラ 管理下での強制的給餌

ストップ動物虐待 届かぬ悲鳴 七面鳥の虐待

ストップ動物虐待 家禽の犠牲者の扱い:惨めな工場式畜産場に押し込められる鶏

ストップ動物虐待 立ち上がり意見を述べる:カナダ家畜連盟

STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Meet Shaun Monson, Director of Earthlings

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/Stop_Cruelty_jp/51