ストップ動物虐待 毛皮のコートの下で: ウサギ達の断末魔の叫び   

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Kind viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today’s episode of the Stop Animal Cruelty series features excerpts from two documentaries about the inhumane treatment of rabbits on factory farms raised for meat and the so-called fashion industry.

Through Austrian telepathic animal communicator Elisabeth Berger and our Association member Lina, Häschen, a loving rabbit living in Germany, recently shared her inner knowledge about the negative karmic effects of harming rabbits:

VO (as Häschen):  『When humans kill rabbits, it will bring them and their families and their next three generations bad luck, more disease and death and it also causes more quarrels in the family.
Humans who wear rabbit fur suffer more physical injuries. Humans who sell rabbit fur are in greater danger of losing a limb.』

HOST: In the first documentary, undercover investigators reveal the heartless practice of breeding and killing rabbits for fur and human consumption. The following film, 『Rabbit Fur – Face the Facts,』 was produced by the UK-based animal-rights group The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade.

For more details, please visit: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) www.PETA.org
The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CAFT) www.CAFT.org.uk

神聖な愛の言葉:ウサギのヘッシェンからのメッセージ (ドイツ語)

ストップ動物虐待 生きた羊の死の輸出船を阻止

ストップ動物虐待 届かぬ悲鳴 七面鳥の虐待

ストップ動物虐待 家禽の犠牲者の扱い:惨めな工場式畜産場に押し込められる鶏

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