良い人 良い仕事 カメルーンを保護するホープフォーアンダープリヴィレッジド アソシエーション(カメルーンピジン語)   

( 44 MB )

Charitable viewers, thank you for joining us for our program featuring Hope for the Underprivileged Association (HUPA), an organization situated in Mankon-Bamenda,the regional capital of the northwest region of Cameroon.

Theresa(f): Orphans were just floating the streets; widows were very miserable. Children were not going to school; many of them were sick, and we felt it was terrible to leave these children all by themselves.

So, a handful of women, six of us in number, decided to come together, pull our resources, and see how we could help these children, even by just buying books, or just providing half fees.

From such humble and sincere hearts, Hope for the Underprivileged Association was founded in 2002. The organization gradually extended their assistance to include widows in the community.

For more details on the Hope for the Underprivileged Association,
please contact visit:
(Tel) +237 7748 5966
(E-mail) hopa_01@yahoo.com 

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