科学と霊性 グレッグブラーデン:神聖な遺伝情報を探して1/2   
Part 1

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Part 2

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HOST: Wise, loving viewers, welcome to today’s Science and Spirituality program on Supreme Master Television, the first in a two-part series featuring visionary best-selling author and a leading figure in the field of science and spirituality, Gregg Braden, whose work blends the profound wisdom of the ancients with modern discoveries in genetics and quantum physics.

Through this unity Mr. Braden believes that both inner and outer peace may be achieved. Mr. Braden was born in the state of Missouri, USA, and during his childhood his family moved around frequently, exposing young Gregg to a variety of religious traditions.

Before beginning his current pursuits, Mr. Braden held a variety of computer-related positions and helped to build a team within a prominent company whose members assure the reliability of the Internet.
Let’s now learn more from Gregg Braden about his background, which played a pivotal role in his search for understanding.
Gregg Braden: I was not really steeped in any one specific tradition, so I was introduced into the Hindu traditions, into the Muslim traditions, into the Hebrew traditions, and I’m just as comfortable in a mosque or a cathedral as I am in a synagogue or a Native American kiva, and I think it was good for me to have that experience, because it opened the door to many possibilities. And what I found was that while all the traditionsdescribe pieces of the questions I had, I found no single tradition described the answer to all of my questions.
I looked, but I couldn’t find one that did. And so I began to ask myself as a child, 『Could it be that they’re all parts of a greater knowing? And if it is, what would that look like?』

For more details on Gregg Braden, please visit

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科学と霊性 映画ミスティカルブレインイザベルレイノー博士制作主演1/2(フランス語)

霊性と科学 ジョンEブランデンバーグ博士‐死せる火星 死にゆく地球‐1/2

霊性と科学 アリダニッシュ博士:変化を起こす建設的思考力‐第一部/2

科学と霊性 ドンエステス–振動の科学による人類の可能性の拡大 第一部/2

科学と霊性 脳の中に神を捜す: カナダ人神経学者マリオ ボーラガー博士 第一部/2

科学と霊性 インディゴブリッジ インサービス: テレサアイビス博士 1/2

科学と霊性 精神は物質に優る– 少林鉄頭拳の隠れた秘伝の力

科学と霊性 マハリシ効果 グループ瞑想のパワーは平和をもたらす

科学と霊性 ジョー デスペンザ博士心の不思議を探る

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