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HOST (IN DARI):  Welcome, spirited viewers. The beauty of a kite dancing in the sky is a sight to behold. In Afghanistan, flying kites is more than just a favorite pastime but a time-honored, popular cultural tradition.
A soaring kite is like the carefree spirit of the Afghan heart. Today we will meet a fabulous kite master from Afghanistan, Mr. Basir Beria, who lives in Los Angeles, USA.

He devotes his free time to teaching others how to fly a kite. His fine handmade kites are exhibited at the Kite Museum in Washington DC, USA.

In addition, Mr. Beria helped to create the Golden Globe and Oscar-nominated Hollywood film, “The Kite Runner,” which showed Mr. Beria’s splendid kites and thus introduced the world to this Afghan sport and culture.

In his personal life, the simple act of flying a kite could relieve his deepest sorrow and give him peace. Mr. Basir Beria has a pure, undivided love for kites.

ハビブ カデリ:アフガニスタン讃歌を唄う 1/2(ダリー語)

アフガニスタンの大志:元祖アフガン人TV司会者 米国ラジオDJダウドサディキ氏ヘのインタビュー 第一部/2(ダリー語)

「来客は神の友人」- アフガニスタンの歓迎の文化 第一部/2(ダーリ語)

アフガニスタンの音楽財産を守る:名演奏家ウスタドS バクティアル師との対談 (ダリー語)

ダウド ハーン サドザイ:アフガン音楽の魂 第一部/2 (ダリー語)

アフガニスタン 伝統音楽の宝 第一部/2 高く評価される芸術家 シャムスディンマスロール氏 (ダリー語)

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