ヘルシーライフ 医食同源:チリ栄養学者 ネルヴァ ビジャグラン 第一部/2(スペイン語)   
Part 1

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Part 2

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Nelba(f): Nobody knew that phytochemicals existed, that therapeutic elements exist in foods that are able to cure cancer, arthritis or a number of diseases today.

Fortunately, science today has demonstrated that foods not only nourish but also heal.

HOST: Welcome energetic viewers to today’s Healthy Living featuring the esteemed Nelba Villagrán, a vegetarian Chilean integrative nutritionist, food engineering graduate from the University of Santiago, Chile, president of Chilean College of Nutritionists, president of the Chilean chapter of the Spanish American Association of Alternative Orthomolecular Nutritionand Anti-aging and an instructor at theFinis Terrae University, Chile. Ms. Villagrán advocates the use of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and herbs to cure and prevent disease and to promote good health, and believes that regular contact with nature has medicinal value.

We now bring excerpts of our interview with Ms. Villagrán and her presentation at the “SOS – A Quick Action to Stop Global Warming” international climate conference held on November 16, 2009 in Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico where Supreme Master Ching Hai was Guest of Honor.

Nelba(f): People who consume excessive protein diets, excessive animal-based foods are those that have the largest number of health problems, the highest number (cases)  of osteoporosis, and the highest number of chronic diseases.

Meat consumption is definitely associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, degenerative diseases and a life in old age that is far less happy.

HOST: Ms. Villagrán advises that these diseases can be prevented through a vegetarian diet with minimal consumption of processed and cooked foods, and says enzymes are key to improving health and thus recommends that 60% of our daily dietary intake consist of raw foods.

For more information on Nelba Villagrán,
please visit www.NutriTerapia.cl

エッセ オーガニック スキンケア ビーガン美人

オーストラリア 自然療法医 ロビンチューター:未精製の植物食こそ最善 第一部/2

ヘルシーライフ ジョンマクドゥーガル博士、一生涯 超健康を楽しむ 第一部/2

ジョエルファーマン博士: 植物に基づく食事で健康増進 第一部/3

食習慣の再考:ジェロムベルナールペレ博士, ビーガン医師 第一部/2(仏語)

シェフ パウル ニルソン ローフードでの癒し

フレッドビシ博士 健康なロービーガン的生き方の選択

ドン トールマン:食のインディー ジョーンズ

バクスターモンゴメリ医師の栄養の長所を生かした超健康 第一部/2

地球繁栄への解決策: Tコリンキャンベル博士へのインタビュー

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Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and TV staff
Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
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