黄金時代の科学技術 ロイドゴッドソン:自給自足解決策の発明家 第一部/2   
Part 1

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Part 2

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HOST: Greetings inventive viewers, and welcome to Golden Age Technology.
We are honored to have a very special Australian marine biologist and adventurer with us today, Mr. Lloyd Godson, who was the winner of the 2007 Australian Geographic Adventurer of the Year award for staying 14 consecutive days in a self-sufficient, and self-sustaining underwater habitat called BioSUB.

During this period, BioSUB was submerged in 『The Pit,』 a former rock quarry site that is two hectares in surface area with a maximum depth of 16 meters.

It is Australia’s only dedicated occupational dive site and is located in the state of New South Wales.
Despite his very busy schedule, Mr. Godson recently granted Supreme Master Television an interview regarding his innovative work.

He now recounts his journey that eventually led him to realize his dream of sharing the wonders of marine science with Australian students through the BioSUB project.

Lloyd Godson(m): As a young kid, I was always fascinated with the sea, and over the years, I had this strong desire to go on and study marine sciences at university. And eventually I fulfilled that goal, and I studied marine biology. And I also studied as a commercial diver, and worked as a commercial diver for some years as well.
For more details on Lloyd Godson and his projects, please visit www.BioSUB.com.au and www.LifeAmphibious.com

黄金時代の科学技術 エコで賢い車 オルトカーエキスポと会議

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黄金時代の科学技術 全員科学特急に乗り込め!(ドイツ語)

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trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/featured_jp/522

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