ヘルシーライフ オーストラリア 自然療法医 ロビンチューター:未精製の植物食こそ最善 第一部/2    Part 2
Part 1

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Part 2

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HOST: Hallo, radiant viewers, and welcome to today’s edition of Healthy Living featuring vegan Australian naturopath and member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society Robyn Chuter who will discuss why we should all pursue a healthy, vegan diet.

Since beginning her naturopathic practice in 1995, Ms. Chuter has helped many people recover from chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes and migraine headaches.

She is also a qualified counselor and practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) therapy, which Ms. Chuter says is a practical, effective way to help clients overcome emotional suffering. We begin with Ms. Chuter’s examination of the myth that humans are omnivores.

Ms Chuter(f): Humans are actually usually classed as being omnivores but there’s a really interesting difference between us and true omnivores. So true carnivores and true omnivores produce an enzyme called uricase. And uricase breaks down uric acid. Now uric acid is a byproduct of protein digestion. Human beings do not produce uricase, which is why humans get gout.

Men in particular are susceptible to gout if they eat too much protein and it’s purely and simply because we’re not designed to handle vast quantities of uric acid. We can’t break it down. It builds up; it does a lot of harm.
Ms Chuter(f): We should not eat foods that we are not designed for.

For more information about Robyn Chuter, please visit

ヘルシーライフ ジョンマクドゥーガル博士、一生涯 超健康を楽しむ 第一部/2

ジョエルファーマン博士: 植物に基づく食事で健康増進 第一部/3

食習慣の再考:ジェロムベルナールペレ博士, ビーガン医師 第一部/2(仏語)

フレッドビシ博士 健康なロービーガン的生き方の選択

バクスターモンゴメリ医師の栄養の長所を生かした超健康 第一部/2

ロービーガン ガーナの自然療法医クウェシオフェイ アギェマン博士(エウェ語)

地球繁栄への解決策: Tコリンキャンベル博士へのインタビュー

フランシスコ ベルドゥ ビセンテ医師の「正しい食事」(スペイン語)


鮮やかな健康への道:栄養士 アン マリーロイ の答え P1 / 2(フランス語)

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