イスラエル映画のトップ女優ギラアルマゴールとその財団 (ヘブライ語)   

HOST: Halo, gentle viewers, and welcome. Today, we will meet the amazing Ms. Gila Almagor, a celebrated actress from Israel. So great have Ms. Almagor’s accomplishments been in the world of acting, that she has been given the title of 『First Lady of Israeli Cinema.』 Ms. Almagor began her career as a professional actress at age 17.

After studying acting in New York, the United States of America, she took part in the theater, giving highly acclaimed performances. Ms. Gila Almagor has been the leading actress in more than 40 movies,
many television programs, and has had her own radio show for many years. In addition, Ms. Gila Almagor is a highly lauded author. The movie which was based on her first book, 『Aviya’s Summer,』 has won a number of distinctions, including the Berlin Silver Bear Award in 1989.

Her second book, 『Under the Domim Tree,』 was also very well received and made into an award-winning movie. Ms. Almagor has received numerous honors for her acting and good works, including The Life Achievement Award from the Israeli Academy of Cinema in 1997, Israel Prize for Cinema in 2004, a Hans Christian Andersen Ambassadorship in 2005, and the LiberitasFilm Festival Prize for Lifetime Achievement Croatia in 2007.

She was awarded honorary doctorates from both Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Tel Aviv University from Israel in 2009. Renowned leading actress Gila Almagor co-founded the Israeli Artists Association (AMI), and was the organization’s spokesperson and deputy chair. She is president of the Israeli office of the Association of Theatre for Children and Young People. She is also as a member of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa City Council, and is chairperson of the Culture Committee for the city.

She is on the board of Australia Israel Cultural Exchange, and is involved in promoting artistic exchanges between the two nations.One of the endeavors that is closest to the heart of the First Lady of Israeli Cinema is a charity which she established. Supreme Master Television met with the eminent actress, who spoke about the Gila Almagor Wishes Foundation.

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