
Ana Ahwa El Alwan
Music and performance by Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, Palestine
(In Arabic)

I like the colors,
I'm an artist child.
Painting with white, black, red.
I like the colors.   

Painting with blue, yellow, green.
I'm an artist child.   
What does "red" refer to?
To the flowers.
What does "green" refer to?
To the trees.
What does "red" refer to?
To the flowers.
What does "green" refer to?
To the trees.
What does "white" refer to?
To the snow.

I like, I like, I like...
I like the colors,
I'm an artist child.
Painting with white, black, red.
I like the colors.   
Painting with blue, yellow, green.
I'm an artist child.   
What does "blue" refer to?
To the sky.
What does "black" refer to?
To the goats.
What does "blue" refer to?
To the sky.
What does "black" refer to?
To the goats.
What does "yellow" refer to?
To the bananas.

I like, I like, I like...
I like the colors.
I'm an artist child.
Painting with white, black, red.
I like the colors.   
Painting with blue, yellow, green.
I'm an artist child.   
Pink for flowers and silver for moons.
Gold for sand and brown for mountains.   
Pink for flowers and silver for moons.
Gold for sand and brown for mountains.   

I’m painting the most beautiful painting
with colors.  
It makes me feel happy.
I am an artist.
I like the colors.
I'm an artist child.
Painting with white, black, red.
I like the colors.   
Painting with blue, yellow, green.
I'm an artist child.  

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