
Hallo, Hallo(Hazara song) Music by Safdar Tawaquali
Lyrics by Ghaiali Danish(In Dari)

Hallo, hallo Aapa ju!
Hallo, hallo Aata ju!
Aata ju is my cherished father
Aapa ju is my cherished mother
Hallo, hallo Aapa ju!
Hallo, hallo Aata ju!

Welcome, beautiful viewers to Enlightening Entertainment!
Right now we’re enjoying a children’s song from Afghanistan.
Let’s listen some more, shall we?

I love my grandfather
I love my grandmother
When my grandfather
goes to the bazaar
he takes me with him.
Hallo, hallo grandfather!
Hallo, hallo
I love my cherished sister
I love my cherished brother
Every day, my brother
takes me to school with him.
Hallo, hallo Aapa ju!
Hallo, hallo Aata ju!

Afghan children love to sing and have fun. The song we just listened to came from a collection created by a lady from the United States named Ms. Louise Pascale with the help of talented musicians – and of course,
the Afghan kids who sing the songs! The song book and CD are called

“Qu Qu Qu Barg –e- Chinaar”(Mulberry Tree Leaf).
Boys and girls in Afghanistan sing, like we’ve just heard, about their moms and dads, grandparents and siblings. They sing about their favorite things like rivers, mountains, stars, and flowers. Oh, and they love to sing about their cute animal friends!

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