
Tune In and Make Use of the God Inside Yourself - Part 1 Feb 27, 1992-Malaysia (In English)
The Golden Goose Part 1 May 13,1996 Cambodia (In English)
From the Holy Bible: Gospel of Luke -Chapters 8-9 (In English)
In Balance with Our Planetary Ecosystem
[Part 1~3] A Spanish Story: The Devil's Mother-in-Law
From Hinduism's Holy Vishnu Purana (In Hindi)
Faith Can Move Mountains Jun 06 2001 Florida, USA (In English)
From the Sacred Confucian Analects (In Chinese)
A Global Effort to Save the Planet
From The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4: The Teachings of the Elect - The Sevenfold Peace - Part 1 (In Hebrew)
The Fish Strawberry Part 1 10 May 2000 Korea
Preparing for Our Planet's Future
Stories of Past Masters Testing the Faith of Disciples Oct. 2007 - Paris, France (In English)
From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka -Samyutta Nikaya -The Section of Verses:King Pasenadi of Kosala
[Part 1~3] To Practice with Ease
International Sites