Guisantes, Colorful Pea Stew from the Pacific Islands (In English)      
½ cup (1½ pound) vegan ham
2–3 medium bell peppers, cubed
6 ounce package frozen peas
3 ounce tomato paste
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1–2 tablespoons of patis (vegan fish sauce)
2–3 garlic cloves, diced
1 small onion, diced
3–4 bay leaves
2 tablespoons olive oil
1½ cup water

  1. Heat some oil in a pan, and then add in the garlic.
  2. Slightly saute for about 30-40 seconds just to get the aroma out.
  3. Add in the onions, and then the vegan ham. Just cook them so it’s a little bit seared on both sides. Cook the vegan ham just for about 1-2 minutes on medium high heat.
  4. Put on the pan’s lid to keep the moisture in the vegan ham.
  5. Add in the water, and then the tomato paste.
  6. Add in the bay leaves.
  7. Cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  8. Add in the soy sauce, and the vegan fish sauce. Cook for 1-2 minutes.
  9. Put on the lid and reduce the heat a little bit. Let it simmer.
  10. Add in half of the peas.
  11. Add in the orange bell peppers, the red bell peppers, the yellow bell peppers, and finally the green bell peppers.
  12. Slowly stir.
  13. Let them all cook for another 5 minutes on low to medium high heat.
  14. Let the stew cools down a bit before serving it.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_jp/631

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