ブラジル人ビーガンシェフアラン チャイブス氏の虹のご飯 (ポルトガル語)      

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

2 cups rice (uncooked)
2 onions
Green beans
Bell peppers (red, green, yellow)
½ cup sesame
2 tablespoons fried garlic
Toasted sesame oil
Olive oil
Salt to taste

  1. Cut the onion in half and then continue cutting in strips.
  2. Cut the bell pepper, take out the seeds and cut in strips.
  3. Cut the carrot into squares, and then into strips.
  4. Cut the zucchini into squares, and then into strips.
  5. Take the leek, take out the leaves, and cut it in half, and then cut it lengthwise.
  6. Cut the green beans lengthwise.
  7. Cut the cabbage into stripes.
  8. Pre-cook the vegetables by putting them in boiling water. Leave it in a minute more or less. The carrots stays 1 or 2 minutes, the bell pepper 1 minutes, the cabbage is quickly taken out after it’s put in.
  9. Pour the vegetables in cold water to concentrate on the flavor of the food.
  10. To prepare the rice, strain the rice so that the grains will be separated.
  11. Put a good amount of olive oil in a hot pan.
  12. Add in the onion into the pan, stir with the two spoons, moving from the bottom upwards so that the onion will not damage. Let the onion “sweat” a little.
  13. Add in the leak.
  14. Add in the carrot. Mix.
  15. Add in the bell pepper, the green beans, and the zucchini. Mix.
  16. No need to cook too long because the vegetables are already pre-cooked.
  17. Add in the rice.
  18. Add in the cabbage.
  19. Add in a few pinches of salt.
  20. In the same time, mix the sesame and the fried garlic.
  21. Ready to be served.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_jp/736

File NO: 1070
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