スイスホテルでのビーガン休暇 - 第一部/2 (ドイツ語)     Part 2   
Part 1
Part 2
Hi, enlightened viewers of Supreme Master Television.
We are here on the Swiss side of Lake Constance in Staat,at the property of Dr. Baumann Cosmetic. Dr. Baumann is the co-founder of Hotel Swiss,a unique combination of a vegan hotel, restaurant,and cosmetic wellness area.

Dr. Henrich, owner of Hotel Swiss and also involved with Dr. Baumann Cosmetic,will soon tell us something about the vegan cosmetic company and give us insights about the consequences of a diet heavy in meat.

Please follow us.
It is a great honor for us to be able to welcome Dr. Henrich, the owner of Dr. Baumann Cosmetic, as well as Hotel Swiss.

You are running a very unique company here in vegan cosmetics and can you tell us a little about everything you offer and how it all came about, also how the hotel restaurant came about?

Dr.H(m): Yes, the company was established in 1990 and founded together with my colleague Dr. Baumann.
And we have concentrated on products which satisfy health claims,and especially those that do not include ingredients derived from animals.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_jp/728

File NO: 1057,1058,
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