

Carter M.D.(m)

The only individual action, which is a no-brainer and we all ought to be doing it, is just to stop eating meat.

McDougall M.D.(m)

if you make this kind of profound change, you should expect profound changes in your physical appearance, your activity levels, and the way you appear as far as age is concerned.

Roba M.D.(m)

Once you become vegan, your mind clears up and your spirit clears up. All that karmic, negative energy of being involved eating dead animals clears out of your system

Klaper M.D.(m)

I realized that an animal-based diet was not a healthful thing no matter what I had learned in school and our farm growing up.

Milton Mills, M.D.(m)

our bodies are not designed to handle animal foods

Montgomery M.D.(m)

One patient, she was wheeled into the office and exam room by her husband, and she’d had quadruple bypass (heart) surgery. She’d had a stent placed in one of the arteries subsequent to surgery, she was on 21 medications, had a history of diabetes, she was on insulin, she had arthritis, (and) she was on an oxygen tank. (She) was just discharged from the hospital; she’d had some bladder infection and some other issues.

Neal Barnard M.D.(m)

Our research shows several benefits of a vegan diet. Very gradually, very gently, your blood sugar starts coming down. Your weight comes down as well. Blood cholesterol comes down as well, very impressively and blood pressure comes down as well. Your digestion is better, so a person who has had chronic constipation, that’s usually fixed in about 24 to 48 hours.  It’s that quick!

Montgomery M.D.(m)

They came back in 10 days. She was walking, talking, laughing, no wheelchair, no oxygen, etc.

  1. Alexander Dargatz, MD - Child psychiatrist; World champion bodybuilder (Germany), Vegan

  2. Anteneh Roba, MD - Ethiopian emergency medicine doctor; Co-founder and president, International Fund for Africa (USA), Vegan

  3. Arno Schneider, MD - Orthomolecular doctor (Germany), Vegetarian

  4. Baxter Montgomery, MD – Cardiologist, founder and president of Houston Cardiac Association and Wellness Center (USA), Vegan

  5. Caldwell Esselstyn, MD - Internationally renowned surgeon and author (USA), Vegan

  6. David Ryde, MD - General practice doctor, Medical adviser to British Olympics Team (United Kingdom), Vegan

  7. Ernst W. Henrich, MD - Medical doctor and naturopath (Germany), Vegan

  8. Gholamali Beski, MD - Esteemed physician, surgeon, gynecologist, environmentalist (Iran), Vegan

  9. Hans-Günter Kugler, MD - Orthomolecular doctor (Germany), Vegetarian

  10. Hwang Seong-Soo, MD - Acclaimed neurosurgeon (South Korea), Vegan

  11. John McDougall, MD - Internal medicine doctor, Bestselling author, nutrition expert (USA), Vegetarian

  12. José Luis Pérez Albela, MD – Medical Surgeon, founder and director of Institute Bien de Salud (Perú), Vegetarian

  13. Leila Masson, MD - Pediatrician (New Zealand), Vegan

  14. Luciana Baroni, MD - Neurologist, geriatrician and gerontologist (Italy), Vegetarian

  15. Mei Hsiang-yang, DMD – Dentist; Founder of the Long Chain Against Cancer Program (Formosa/Taiwan), Vegetarian

  16. Michael Greger, MD - Physician, international speaker, author (USA), Vegan

  17. Michael Klaper, MD - Physician, nutrition expert, lecturer, author (USA), Vegan

  18. Michela De Petris, MD - Surgeon and food science specialist (Italy), Vegetarian

  19. Milton Mills, MD - Internal medicine doctor and national speaker (USA), Vegetarian

  20. Neal Barnard, MD - Clinical researcher, author; Founding president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; President of The Cancer Project (USA),  Vegan

  21. Pedro Silva Jaramillo, MD - Internal medicine physician, neurologist (Chile), Vegetarian

  22. Peter Carter, MD - Family physician; Founding director, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (Canada), Vegan

  23. Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD - Internationally known physician, nutritionist, author (USA), Vegan

  24. Thomas Nocuń, MD - Internal medicine doctor, Women’s health specialist and author (Poland), Vegetarian

  25. Umberto Veronesi, MD - Internationally renowned surgeon and oncologist; former Italian Minister of Health (Italy), Vegetarian

  26. Wichai Ekataksin, MD - Tropical medicine faculty, Mahidol University (Thailand), Vegetarian

  27. Zareen Patel, MD - Clinical geneticist (India), Vegetarian

  28. Zarin Azar, MD - Iranian gastroenterologist, Kaiser Permanente (USA), Raw Vegan

  29. Huang Chien-Hsun, MD - Director of Hospice Ward, National Taiwan University Hospital (Formosa/Taiwan)

  30.  Jérôme Bernard-Pellet, MD – Physician and Co-Founder of APSARES (France)

They are some of the countless noble examples of compassion and wisdom.

Dr Greger. M.D.(m)
To prevent… both prevent and treat diabetes, the best thing we can do is move very rapidly to a vegan diet

Neal Barnard, M.D.(m)

There was a man who came into our study named Vance. It seemed to him like the easiest diet in the world, because he didn’t have to limit how much he ate. Well as time went on he lost weight, he lost weight and he lost weight. After a year he had lost 60 pounds. His blood sugar, which had been out of control, came down so much his doctor sat him down and said, “Vance, you’ve been on this diet; you don’t have diabetes anymore.” His doctor took him off his medicine.

Cousens: M.D.(m)

The most optimum diet, it’s again organic, vegan, 80% live food.

Greger. M.D.(m)

The difference between vegans and meat eaters in the United States is an average of 40 pounds.

A new study published in the Journal of the American Diabetics Association, the largest study of vegans in human history ; Never before have thousands of vegans been studied at one time. And what it showed was that the only dietary group that actually achieved a healthy weight, in fact the perfect healthy weight, was the vegans.

Klaper M.D.(m)

I wish someone had told me in medical school how effective a plant-based diet would be for real life diseases.

So keep in good company with the noble circle of vegetarian and vegan elite. 

Klaper M.D.(m)

The truth of this is so powerful.

John McDougall M.D.(m)

It's a simple message:

Roba M.D.(m)

The first and the foremost thing anybody can do is be vegan.

John McDougall M.D.(m)

There's nothing complicated about this. It's one big solution.

Greger. M.D.(m)

You have to give it a try, and once you experience the benefits, it’s unthinkable to go back.

Esseltyn M.D.(m)

And the most exciting thing of all is that the benefits do nothing but continue to improve.

Neal Barnard, M.D.(m)

There is one regret that sometimes people have. They regret that they didn’t do this about 20 years earlier. Because to be in a body that feels healthy, it’s the best possible thing.

Kids: Go Veggie!


And the list goes on…Please visit www.SupremeMasterTV.com/VE for further club list and info.

Choose Veggie and Join the Club!

 ベジタリアンエリート クリスティーン ヴァルダロス‐ビーガンの世界的シクロクロス選手
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