Powerlifting World Champion, Willie Austin: Transforming Lives through Fitness   

Greetings, charming viewers!
Today on Vegetarian Elite, we have the privilege of having a remarkable individual with us, Willie Austin. Mr. Austin is a former world class athlete, an internationally recognized strength trainer, and a person who wholeheartedly devotes his time, efforts, and love to the betterment of the community.

In this program, the 1990 World Drug-Free Power lifting Champion and co-founder of the Austin Foundation shares with us his experience as a vegan athlete and his pledge to help others live a healthy lifestyle.

It was at the University of Washington, in one of the top college football programs in the nation at the time, that Willie Austin started his athletic career as the Husky football team cornerback.

He was determined to succeed in both roles of student and athlete, a diligence he still carries forth with everything he does.

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