Paul Seymore: Singing and Guitar Strumming to Save the World   

This is not a religious song.

They say J.C. may have been a vegetarian Cause He believed that it was wrong to kill The Book says Man should help preserve Creation And there are millions who believe it still So maybe J.C. was a vegetarian Like the Monks that taught Him how to read and write Their script-x-xures said that every life was sacred And Kindness was the way to Heaven’s Light

HOST: You have just heard “Maybe JC (was a Vegetarian)” by singer-songwriter Paul Seymour on this week’s edition of Vegetarian Elite.

Paul(m): It just kind of strikes a kind of a resonate nerve with a lot of people; just that thought, “If Jesus was a vegetarian, then why are we eating meat?”  And some of those amazing people throughout history were also vegetarian for the same reasons.

HOST: We first heard the song on the airwaves in New Zealand, and subsequently, noticed its climbing popularity on YouTube.com. Supreme Master Television contacted Mr. Seymour, who graciously invited us to his home.

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