ルミナリエ:光と音楽の共有 第一部/2    Part 1
Part 1
Part 2

J Brave (m): We are Luminaries, so are you. Here to spread that love.

HOST: Splendid viewers, welcome to this week’s Vegetarian Elite, as we meet the conscious hip-hop band, Luminaries.

Written, composed, and performed by Luminaries
Featuring I, Star, and Maesyn One Love, One Blood,
and One Heart One People, One World,
and One God We gotta come together united for One Cause
Put your hands up in the air for peace!

HOST: Luminaries is a family of seven vibrant individuals: Amore One, Ben Jammin, Dreams, Eric Soul Livin, Free(w)ill, J Brave, and Konscious Krieger.

They are all gifted artists, and they have all been united by their shared vision of an uplifted, peaceful world. Supreme Master Television visited the tranquil Luminaries Circle House in Woodland Hills, California, USA, where we were welcomed with opened arms for a nice chat with several of the band members.
The gathering began with a prayer of gratitude.

Konscious Krieger(m): I give thanks for this family, this circle, this community. And for this time where we are able to make a stand for what we believe in. 

Let us invoke the spirit into this moment, invoke it into all of our words, all of our thoughts, all of our actions, let us embody the spirit. Praise the Most High, and so it is.
And so it is.

HOST: The Luminaries brings us a unique, empowering form of music blending rock, rap, funk, soul, and hip hop.

Konscious Krieger (m): I think our music bridges a lot of genres. And all of us come from different cultural backgrounds, different upbringings, different musical influences. And I think that is really reflected in the music.

We compile all of that together, and it all kind of gets put in the golden orb in the center and we stir it up. And I think we’ve really done our best to be authentic in what we put  forth and allow each other to bring out their natural tendencies in the music, and it becomes unique and becomes luminous.

HOST: And the resulting music radiates a message of love and unity.

Be inspired and uplifted with the Luminaries

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