聖地にて ダブリンの聖パトリック教会 (ゲール語)   

May God be with you, charming viewers.
Welcome to The World Around Us on Supreme Master Television. The island nation of Ireland has had the honor of keeping the fires of divine devotion lit through the ages.
Graced with many incredible and brave saints, the people of this idyllic land have carried the love of God in their hearts for millennia, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin is a tangible expression of this devotion.

The first records refer to a little church here known as St. Patrick’s of the Island. That was an Irish church, constructed of timber, built between two branches of the river Poddle.

Now, that building was associated with St. Patrick. Apparently, Patrick, who helped bring Christianity here sometime during the 400s, used water from that well to baptize local people and make them Christians.

HOST: Thus began the pilgrimages to this sacred site, where the faithful came from afar to be immersed in the blessed atmosphere.

Gavin (m): In fact, there are three holy wells in Dublin associated with St. Patrick. The idea of pilgrimage became very important in Ireland.

Way back with the early Celtic Church, going back now to 6, 7, 8, 900s, it continued on  with Irish people going abroad on pilgrimages all over Europe, and indeed, within the island and other people from further afield coming to places here. 

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