マハリシ効果 グループ瞑想のパワーは平和をもたらす   

HOST: Welcome, tranquil viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television.
On this episode, we share some scientific findings on the power of group meditation to promote world peace and the betterment of life for everyone. The theory of the Maharishi Effect is one way of describing this phenomenon and it has been defined as 『the influence of coherence and positivity in the social
and natural environment generated by the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi programs.』 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of India first proposed this hypothesis.

He was a spiritual teacher, who during his lifetime taught a meditation technique called 『Transcendental Meditation.』 He started the Transcendental Meditation or Spiritual Regeneration Movement in 1957  in Chennai, India,after which his teachings began to spread to other  parts of the world. The Maharishi Effect
says that when a certain number of people meditate together using the Transcendental Meditation technique, the coherence created in the energy field of the group is able to affect the collective consciousness of others in a constructive manner – at a local, national and worldwide level.

The Maharishi stated that if just one percent of a community’s population practiced Transcendental Meditation,the unified field or calming energy generated by that group would reach out and influence the rest of that community’s population, resulting in increased peace and harmony. He also stated that if a group practiced his more advanced Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi Program,only the square root of one percent of the population would be needed to participate to create the same effect.

According to the Maharishi, when people meditate together with unified good intentions,their alpha brain waves become synchronized or exhibit 『coherence.』The coherence of brain waves causes others to receive the same properties in their subconscious mind.

One of the explanations for the Maharishi Effect is that because a meditating group’s alpha brain waves are functioning at a profound level, the waves permeate the atmosphere to reach those in the same geographical region,influencing their hearts,thoughts and actions. The brain wave pattern of an individual can be measured with an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine. 

An EEG machine can detect different brain wave patterns known as beta, alpha,theta, and delta. Dr. Craig Pearson is the Vice President of the Maharishi University
of Management in Iowa, USA which was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1971. Here he discusses the nature of consciousness.

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