Climate Change Seeps into the Sea - 4 Nov 2008  
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Climate Change Seeps into the Sea

Climate change causing dangerous ocean conditions. The ocean naturally helps minimize global warming by absorbing up to one third of the atmosphere’s excess heat and carbon dioxide. However, this is causing the chemistry of the seawater to become more acidic and uninhabitable. Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Charles Miller, deputy principal investigator for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) new Orbiting Carbon Observatory warned, “The growing amount of carbon dioxide in the ocean could have a bigger effect on life on Earth than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

” NASA’s planned launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory in January 2009 will attempt to further understand these potentially devastating effects of climate change. Our deep gratitude, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and all scientists for sounding this alarm about the dire state of our planet. With Heaven’s grace, may our increased benevolent actions preserve the well-being of Earth and all her co-inhabitants.
Scottish dolphins becoming endangered species

Sea mammals endangered by global warming. Rising temperatures and diminishing food supplies due to fishing are causing at least six species of dolphins and whales to be lost from view along the northern Scottish Aberdeenshire coast, an area previously renowned for its spectacular whale and dolphin sightings. The white-beaked dolphin is becoming extremely rare, as are others such as harbour porpoises and minke whales. With Heaven’s grace, let us bring more compassionate stewardship to our Earth to ensure the survival of all her inhabitants.
Oregon governor outlines climate change agenda

Oregon, USA announces climate agenda for 2009. Citing the state’s progress made in recent years, Governor Ted Kulongoski affirmed the need for further advancement of sustainable living goals. Aspects of this year’s plans include net zero-energy use building codes, more efficient vehicles, energy performance ratings for home buyers and a regional cap and trade program to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Governor Kulongoski said, "This next session we must be bolder, more strategic and even more visionary if we want to reach our greenhouse reduction goals, leading our country and the globe on green living and green working." Our accolades Governor Kulongoski and all Oregon residents for your strides toward a cooler planet. May God grant your endeavors with continued sustainable progress.

Bolivia Declares Drought Emergency

Bolivia faces intense drought. According to Bolivia’s National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology, 70% of the highlands and valleys as well as the Chaco region of the country are facing precipitation shortages. Already 7,000 families have been affected by the lack of water, with a state of national emergency being declared in response to the drought conditions.
Water Minister René Orellana has ordered US$2million for drilling of new wells and aiding the Tarija, Chuquisaca and Santa Cruz regions, along with immediate emergency assistance for the affected people of the Chaco region. Minister Orellana and Bolivia we are thankful for your quick actions to ease the nation’s water crisis. We pray for the natural blessing of rain and that future droughts will be minimized through humanity’s more caring stewardship of our precious planet.