A Price On Carbon Not Enough To Save Rainforests - 2 Jan 2009  
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A Price On Carbon Not Enough To Save Rainforests

Additional measures needed for forest protection. Researchers at Sweden’s Department of Energy and Environment have calculated that even if international emission agreements include tropical rainforest preservation in their emission goals, the destruction of the rainforests is likely to continue from palm oil plantations and livestock-related activities. The scientists thus recommend additional protective measures to help ensure protection of the forests. Many thanks, Sweden Department of Energy and Environment, for these latest insights. Blessed be our increasing kindness and care in preserving these vital lungs of our Earth.

Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture: “The Law of Karma” August 4, 1999 - New York, USA In August 1999, Supreme Master Ching Hai had emphasized the importance of the rain forests while speaking with our Association members in New York, USA.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: They still cut the trees, and do all kinds of harm to the environment. If the Amazon forest has been cut down, and they plant another forest, then we have to wait a few hundred years for the trees to grow into such a capacity in order to produce oxygen, and neutralize the toxins in the air the way the Amazon trees are. It's not like you can cut any trees and plant it, and it will be the same. The size may be the same, but the capacity is not the same. Trees need time to be able to produce the balance that we need to survive.

Trinidad and Tobago government launches multi-million dollar water taxi system

Trinidad and Tobago improves transportation. As part of a larger plan to ease traffic congestion on the island’s roads and reduce the associated pollution, the government of Trinidad and Tobago has invested millions of dollars in four passenger ferries that launched as a water taxi system. The government has plans to extend the fleet next year, as well as to improve other infrastructure for more efficiency. Bravo, Trinidad and Tobago on this new transportation advancement! May your kind-hearted people, as well as our environment, benefit from these and other eco-developments.

Queen goes green as her £10million Bentleys are converted to run on biofuel.

Royal vehicles convert to clean fuel. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Britain has agreed to have two of the state limousines modified to run on non-food crop biofuels, with a 40 percent improvement in fuel consumption expected by 2012. His Royal Highness Prince Charles has already converted one of his cars to run on bio-ethanol. Our respectful accolades, Your Majesty and Your Royal Highness, for your noble leadership in sustainable living. May many be similarly inspired to adopt greener practices for the betterment of our planet.

From January 1st 2009, Romanian Government forbids free plastic bags in the country.

Romania bans free plastic bags. As a safeguard for the environment, Romania is now charging for plastic shopping bags and is encouraging the use of biodegradable or recycled bags instead. Romania’s Minister of Environment, Mr. Attila Korodi said that the ban on free plastic bags is part of a wider effort to facilitate more responsible green living for Romanians. Kudos, Romania and all nations with initiatives that encourage eco-friendly lifestyles for your citizens. Let us all turn toward making lighter and more considerate steps on the planet.