Greenland's Ice Glaciers are Losing Nearly Three Times Ice This Year - 31 Dec 2008  
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Greenland's Ice Glaciers are Losing Nearly Three Times Ice This Year

Greenland ice melt triples in one year. A team of US researchers who have been monitoring satellite images of Greenland found that in summer 2008 the floating ice shelves generated by the continent’s glaciers lost three times as much ice as the previous year.

Climatologist Jason Box said, “We now know that the climate doesn’t have to warm any more for Greenland to continue losing ice. It has probably passed the point where it could maintain the mass of ice that we remember.”

Dr. Box and colleagues, we express our appreciation for informing us of the precarious condition of Greenland’s glaciers. Blessed be our actions to protect our precious planet through the swift adoption of eco-friendly lifestyles.

On August 24, 2008, in a videoconference with Vancouver Center in Canada, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the urgent situation of melting ice:

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Vancouver Center, Canada – August 24, 2008

Mostly, the time of disappearing of the ice means the spelling of trouble for our planet. Of course it would be better if we already saved the planet before the ice melted. But as it is, we can only do the best we can and try to inform everybody to save themselves by being vegetarian. If the ice melts quicker, then, of course, we have shorter time to save the planet. But nevertheless, because of people joining the vegetarian diet then we still can manage to save the world.

Food needs 'fundamental rethink'

Food expert calls for new global food system fundamentals. Professor Tim Lang of the United Kingdom’s Food Council says that new method of attaining a sustainable global food system needs to replace the one that is now taking its toll on the environment. Professor Lang said, "The 21st Century is going to have to produce a new diet for people, more sustainably, and in a way that feeds more people more equitably using less land." Our accolades, Professor Tim Lang, for speaking out on this essential matter. Let us all change to the sustainable plant-based diet, which provides ever-plentiful and nutritious food for every inhabitant on Earth.

German Architects Design Self-Sufficient

German-designed building powered by solar and wind. Gerber Architects in Dortmund, Germany have designed a building called the Energy Tower to be completely self sufficient through optimal use of natural light along with clean energy sources such as wind and solar. A vacuum-packed glass interior helps insulate the building, which can be adapted for either cold or warm climates. Already, His Royal Highness the Prince of Bahrain has expressed interest in purchasing the building project. Bravo, eco-friendly and progressive Gerber Architects! Such visionary constructions as yours will surely inspire further evolution for humanity’s sustainable shelter.