Warming temperatures linked to oceanic dead zones - 27 Dec 2009  
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Warming temperatures linked to oceanic dead zones.
Researchers from Oregon State University recently published results of studies evaluating the occurrence of hypoxia, or extremely low levels of oxygen, that occur in the oceans.
Although such regions were previously unknown to central Oregon, these “dead zones” now appear annually, with the low levels of oxygen causing a massive die-off of marine life including fish and invertebrates such as crabs.

Unlike the dead zones already found in the coastal Mississippi Delta and other areas, which can be traced to runoff from livestock manure and fertilizers, the hypoxic regions off the Oregon coast occur in the open ocean.
In studying ancient sea sediment, the scientists found that such dead zones also occurred about 20,000 years ago during a rapid warming of the Antarctic similar to what the Earth is experiencing now, as wind and water circulation was affected globally.

Oregon State researchers, we are grateful for your work that adds to our growing knowledge about the dangers of a warming planet. We pray for lifestyles leading to the well-being of all life in our shared ecosphere.
As she has in earlier times, Supreme Master Ching Hai indicated in a June 2008 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan) the proper action that is needed to avoid even larger-scale devastation than the ocean dead zones.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Stock raising, animal breeding, is the #1 cause of damage to our planet and it is going to destroy our world if we do not stop. I really mean it. We have to stop this. We have to stop the killing. We have to stop the meat eating. We have to stop insecticides. We have to go organic. And vegetarian is a must. Otherwise, there will not be just the dead zones in the ocean.

I repeat: Otherwise, if we don’t do anything now, if we don’t be  veg and we don’t stop polluting our planet in many ways, then there will not be just the dead zones in the ocean. There will a dead planet. And we also will be dead beings, too. Vegan diet will save the planet. The fastest and the easiest, and everyone can do it.


With a summer of drought followed by recent intensive rainfall, Canadian Environmental Minister Barry Penner of British Columbia warns that more preparation is needed for future climate extremes such as flooding and degraded water supplies.    

The United Kingdom is set to develop the country’s first commercial-scale geothermal power station, which will make use of the Earth’s natural underground warming to provide sustainable heat for local homes, businesses and the national grid.

In a survey conducted for the newspaper, Bild am Sonntag, 80% of Germans said they would change their lifestyles in order to help curb global warming.