World media highlights veg solution to climate change - 26 Dec 2009  
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World media highlights veg solution to climate change.
In their coverage of the major United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, international media groups discussed the vegan diet as providing the most effective and rapid solution to the planetary crisis. A number of journalists from newspapers, radio and television networks present during the two-week summit interviewed members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association to understand more about the reasons that livestock must be addressed and why a change in what humans consume is so vital.

Environmental journalist Jeff McMahon of True/Slant, an online news network in partnership with Forbes Media wrote:“But during the first week, the most persistent… at the Bella Center have been the smiling followers of Supreme Master Ching Hai, sometimes clad in chicken suits… with signs urging vegetarianism.

The article went on to quote one of our Association members, who stated:“‘We have only a short time to save the planet. Technology takes a long time and needs a lot of money and this is the easiest way. Everyone must be vegan to save the planet.’”

VOICE: On the website of internationally-distributed The Wall Street Journal daily news, reporter Spencer Swartz discussed the hot issues tied to meat consumption in his article titled, “Veggie Tales: Climate Activists Urge Meat-Free Lifestyle in Copenhagen.”“…an army of about 100 people have been regulars at the U.N.’s
two-week climate change conference, passing out vegetarian sandwiches to delegates daily and carrying placards calling livestock farms ‘an environmental hazard’ and to ‘Go Veg’… Reduced meat consumption, if done on a big scale, could even prompt landowners in Brazil, the world’s biggest soya producer, to stop
clearing rain forest to grow soya bean, which cattle-owners often feed their livestock to beef them up…”

VOICE: In the cover story of its December 21 issue, the major South Korean weekly news magazine, “Hankyoreh 21,” (HAN-Gyuh-Reh 21) captioned a photograph of our Association members as follows: “The way to reduce greenhouse gas is already on the signs of environmental activists who had gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark.” Citing Supreme Master Television as a source of the newest research findings on the meat industry’s abuse of resources, the magazine went on to conclude that with time, “The vegetarian diet may no longer be a preference or choice, but survival itself.”

We thank the journalists, True/Slant, The Wall Street Journal, Hankyoreh21, and all media who bring to the public information about climate change and the most important countermeasure of halting meat production.
May more people join the growing ranks of conscious citizens who opt for the Earth-saving vegan diet.In an interview with the Irish Sunday Independent published in July 2009, Supreme Master Ching Hai once more expressed her appreciation to the media, who are in the indispensable role of alerting society to
both planetary problems and solutions.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So, with the vegan diet, we eat what’s best for our health, for the animals, for the environment, and nature will do the rest to restore the balance and save our world.I thank you for such noble journalism as you are upholding, because we really need the media to propagate the new noble lifestyle to save our planet. And I thank you manifold for doing that. Thank you truly from my heart.

Formosan (Taiwanese) high school students promote meat-free meals to save the planet.
The Student Council of Yangtze High School in Yulin County, Formosa (Taiwan) launched a campaign calling on the entire school to adopt meat-free meals to reduce carbon emissions, going from class to class to promote their message.

After gaining approval from the students and teachers in the school of over 1000 people, the high school is starting with one veg meal a week and will gradually increase to meat-free meals served daily in the future.
A statement from the Student Council said, "We can be just as healthy and happy without meat, and have the vitality for our study while we love our planet at the same time."

Student Council and participating students of Yangtze High School, we applaud and admire your noble initiative. Blessed be all such efforts as yours in bringing optimal refreshment and vigor to humans while restoring our Earthly home.

World’s largest package delivery company United Parcel Service reports a savings of 28% in fuel and 8% in maintenance from its first generation hybrid-diesel delivery vans, with 200 more now on order.

India’s National Climate Change Action Plan approves its first project, the National Solar Mission to be implemented in Delhi, with a goal of generating 20,000 megawatts of solar energy by 2020.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg pledges to bring together a coalition of the world’s biggest rainforest countries and create a binding agreement in 2010 for preserving rainforests across the globe.

Brazil-based research organization, the Amazon Institute of People and the Environment, reports that deforestation in the Amazon rainforest during November 2009 was 21% higher than in the same month the previous year.