Unstable Spring weather affects Japan. - 27 Apr 2010  
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Unstable Spring weather affects Japan.
Recent unseasonal ups and downs of temperatures have caused significant increase in produce prices, along with a later bloom of Spring flowers. The rapid weather changes are so dramatic as to give the appearance of different seasons on different days, with cities like Tokyo recording a high of 22.4 degrees Celsius on one day in April, followed by a drop to 6.7 degrees the next day, only to rise again to 18.2 degrees the day after.

Heavy rains and reduced hours of sunshine have also affected northern and western Japan, while other locales like Ashinoko Lake in Kanagawa Prefecture are witnessing unlikely snowfalls of 10 centimeters.

The colder temperatures are hampering vegetable harvests and shipments, with some markets even doubling their prices, while cherry blossoms that typically bloom in time for events and festivals have been delayed in their flowering due to the unexpected colder weather.

Japan’s Meteorological Agency attributes these weather pattern irregularities to the El Nino phenomenon, whose effect has worsened according to climatologists due to global warming.

Blessed be the gentle Japanese people in enduring such extremities that are affecting both the economy and the country’s cultural traditions. We pray that the balance of nature and livelihoods are restored through the greater consideration by all humanity of our co-inhabitants and Earthly abode.

In an October 2009 videoconference in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed as she has many time previously her concern for the environment’s perilous state, encouraging harmonious ways of life to restore its stability.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Moreover, global warming has resulted in many instances of documented extreme weather , leading to devastating crop losses and also drive food prices sky high.
So, if everyone turns to the plant-based diet, we have more food immediately and an easing of conditions like drought and flooding, with abundant harvests and food supplies quickly restored.

So, to return ourselves and our world to a purer state, one where all beings can feel safe, protected and loved, and where all humans walk the dignified way of the children of God, we have to stop the killing of innocent animals. Stop it now. Stop it now and turn to the merciful way of life. The natural way of life that God intended us to live, which is the vegan diet.


Canada’s Arctic shows accelerated melting.
A 50-year study of the ice cap on Devon Island in Canada’s High Arctic has revealed ice growth that alternated with melting prior to 1985. However, since that time the ice volume and area have both been in steady decline.
According lead study author Dr. Sarah Boon of Canada’s University of Lethbridge, this past decade also saw four particularly warm summers that have accelerated the melting, with the now-exposed soil and gravel on the ice cap’s edges absorbing more heat and speeding the melt rate even more.

In addition, melt water forming beneath the ice also causes entire chunks to slide more quickly into the ocean, which in turn raises sea levels, one of the major concerns with melting glaciers around the globe.
Our heartfelt thanks Dr. Boon and dedicated Canadian colleagues for sharing these factual observations, despite their disturbing nature.

May we all respond to the urgent situation by adopting sustaining lifestyles to save our planet.
In a June 2009 video message, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of this predicament and how to solve the concerns of the melting Arctic.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The Arctic, or North Pole, may be ice-free by 2012, 70 years ahead of IPCC estimations. Without the protective ice to reflect sunlight, 90 percent of the sun's heat can enter the open water, thus accelerating global warming. Now, many of these areas where we are seeing such devastating effects of climate change, such as Arctic melt, are all directly related to the Earth’s temperature increasing.
So, we must cool the planet, first and foremost.To cool the planet most quickly, we have to stop consuming meat in order to stop the livestock raising industry.

If everyone in the world would adopt this simple but most powerful practice of an animal-free diet, then we could reverse the effect of global warming in no time.


Extra News
Independent documentary film label Disneynature of US-based The Walt Disney Company announces plans to donate a portion of each ticket sale during the first week of its new movie “Oceans” to help save coral reefs.

In Laos, passenger and cargo boats resume operation in the northern portion of the Mekong River, which earlier had dropped to its lowest level in 50 years due to unusually low rainfall.

Significant drought in New Zealand has spread throughout the nation, with government assistance now being extended to regions in both the North and South Islands.

In commemoration of Earth Day, Formosan (Taiwanese) Premier Wu Den-yih announces that each city and county island-wide will see two low-carbon model communities constructed by 2011, with additional low-carbon cities developed by 2014.