Evidence of active volcanoes on Venus. - 18 Apr 2010  
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Evidence of active volcanoes on Venus.
A recent analysis of data obtained by the European Space Agency's Venus Express indicates relatively recent lava flow on the planet’s surface. Scientists at the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory were able to identify different compositions in surface materials as well as evaluate the European orbiter’s findings of three young active volcanoes that geologically resemble the
Earth’s Hawaiian Islands.

Research lead Dr. Suzanne E. Smrekar stated in the team’s report, 『We estimate the flows to be younger than 2.5 million years, and probably much younger, likely 250,000 years or less, indicating that Venus is actively resurfacing.』 The report went on to say, 『Venus appears to be a geologically active planet, with hot spots as important centers of heat loss,volcanism, and atmospheric (water) and (sulfur dioxide).』 These eruptions not only explain why the planet does not have craters, they also imply that
the interior core of Venus is similar to that of our Earth.

Dr. Smrekar, fellow Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientists and European Space Agency, we appreciate your collaborative work in bringing this fascinating information about our planetary neighbor.

May such insights aid us in acting wisely to preserve our planetary abode. During an August 2009 videoconference in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded that our knowledge of Venus may reveal ways to be better stewards of the Earth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We only need to look at our own neighboring planets, Mars and Venus,to see that the vision is bleak, is disastrous, if we don’t make the right choice,the right change now.
Any planetary scientist knows that Mars and Venus went through dramatic atmospheric changes in the past, similar to what we have begun to experience right now.

Long ago, Mars and Venus were once a lot like our planet - they had water, life, and people similar to us. But the inhabitants of Mars and Venus destroyed their respective planetary homes because they raised too much livestock, and the gases released triggered an irreversible greenhouse gas effect, plus poisonous hydrogen sulfide in the case of Mars. So let’s not end up like either Mars or Venus, our neighboring planets.

Humanity must uphold a gentler, higher standard for the Earth to continue supporting life.
Animals are killed for meat consumption in the cruelest ways imaginable. The killing must stop and we replace it by virtuous ways of life that are also peaceful and kind.


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